Lighthouse Reef: Which resort?

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I wonder what is better on Lighthouse Reef in Belize: Diving with Itza or with Huracan ? Can anyone share their views on either of them? Thanks.

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I have only dove with Itza, and have been happy with it. There are some reports by myself and my dive buddy on Scubaboard. Itza has multiple boats, and my buddy and I both value that we are fairly often alone with DM and boat captain. I have heard people praise the food in particular at Huracan; I had the impression there were more mosquitos around the grounds at Huracan, but I have only walked by a few times.
Thank you, I appreciate your information. I wull look up your other reports for sure.
We've been to Huracan and dove Lighthouse number of times. On one occasion Huracan was short a dive master for a few days and used Elvis, the dive master at Itza. Elvis was still with Itza the last time we stayed at Huracan. I think you will find the diving and dive operation to be pretty similar at both, as well as that they both dive the same sites. Both places are usually leaving the dock to go dive about the same time. I think it boils down more to which place you'd like to stay at. Itza sits on the water's edge and has a more consistent breeze. Huracan sits inland a little over 100 yards and doesn't get the ocean breezes, which is probably the reason it's a little more "buggy" as mentioned above. I thought the mosquitos are only really an issue at dawn and dusk and have never been a problem inside. Huracan is a small, well-run operation, and we've always enjoyed staying there. The staff has always been good and as mentioned previously chef Shannon at Huracan does a pretty consistent good job with the food. We've always thought that Itza had a little different "vibe" to it than Huracan that wasn't exactly our thing. I've talked with a number of guests over the years that have stayed at Itza and have never really heard many complaints. I've never bumped into anyone that has stayed at both to compare the two.
I am friends with a DM who works Lighthouse. I suffer from mosquitos a LOT (Magnet for them). He told me he often has to sprint from the dock! Take plenty of repellent, wherever you go.

My other tip. As soon as you are out of the water and out of whatever suit you are wearing, spray deet on yourself BEFORE you get back to the dock.
I mean, I can't argue with other people's experience, but I never had problems with mosquitos between the dock and my room at Itza except maybe right at sunset. I did often put on repellent to go down for dinner. It could well be your friend's duties had them moving back and forth to the dock at more mosquito intense times.

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