Light tingling in thumbs?

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Miami Mermaid

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Dear Doc,

Yesterday, I did my first 60 foot dive. 2 weeks ago, I completed my first two 30 foot dives.

While I was diving yesterday, (about 15 minutes into the dive at 60 feet), I felt a light and brief tingling
in both of my thumbs.
It subsided after about 1 minute.

Besides the tingling, I felt 100% fine. In fact, I forgot about it very quickly and completed both dives.

Is this the "skin bends"? And, if it is, is there something I should do to avoid it in the future?

The reason for my concern is that as a newly certified diver, I know that any type of tingling is not good.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Miami Mermaid,

A diver who simply went to 60', swam around, and 15" into the dive noticed a light and brief tingling in both thumbs almost certainly would not have the skin bends, or any other form of DCS.

DCS occurs on ascent. Specifically, when the individual ascends faster than the body can eliminate absorbed nitrogen.

Tingling or numbness in the thumbs occasionally can be caused by dive skins with thumb loops to keep the sleeves in place. If these pull too hard, such symptoms can appear. They can also occur from a wetsuit in which the sleeves are too tight. Dive gear should be snug, but comfortable & not strangulating.

This is educational only and does not constitute or imply a doctor-patient relationship. It is not medical advice to you or any other individual, and should not be construed as such.

Best regards.


Hi again Doc,

Thank you very much for your advice. Now that I think about it, my shortie wet suit sleeves just may be too tight.
Thanks again, I feel a lot less concerned now.


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