Lift & Switching out BC parts

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Live in Newark, CA & go to school in Santa Cruz.
Hi all, hope you can help. This is my first scubaboard post.
I'm trying to figure out how to deal with my weighting problem. I have a Stiletto, which lists 35# lift and can accommodate 34# lead in front & rear. Problem is, when I put 30# in it and a tank on, even full of air, it sinks. This is no good, for obvious reasons, especially if diving from small craft. I wear a really thick wetsuit (10 mm, 2 pc) for long days doing multiple boat dives in cold water where I don't move around that much (science).

My diving has changed and I really would like to move to a) a bigger bladder and b)a backplate. Zeagle says their BC's are modular--can I put a bigger bladder on mine and then eventually move it all to a backplate? I sure hope with the 44# bladder, it wouldn't sink.

Thanks for the help,
the BC Has a 35lb lift which will include the weight and the tank. the tank weighs more when it is filled then when its empty. The size and make of the tank will effect boyancy a great deal.
Sounds like you need a bigger bladder on you BC . Zeagle or dive rite are good choice. I dove with a zeagle for many years before swiitching to a dive rite.
Yes you can swap out the stilletto bladder for a ranger(45#) or tech(65#) bladder. While zeagle does make bladders specifically for backplates, their BCs go together differently than a backplate.
the BC Has a 35lb lift which will include the weight and the tank. the tank weighs more when it is filled then when its empty. The size and make of the tank will effect boyancy a great deal.
Sounds like you need a bigger bladder on you BC . Zeagle or dive rite are good choice. I dove with a zeagle for many years before swiitching to a dive rite.
yes, i know, but thanks for the recap. i should have been more clear that my specific question is: a) can i put a bigger bladder (45 or 65) on a Stilletto and b) if in the future i move to a Zeagle backplate, will the same bladder fit on that?
Yes you can swap out the stilletto bladder for a ranger(45#) or tech(65#) bladder. While zeagle does make bladders specifically for backplates, their BCs go together differently than a backplate.
Thanks Steve, that's helpful. I had better call Zeagle to get more specifics. I don't quite know what you mean by "their BCs go together differently than a backplate." I might just get a new backplate now and bladder for that if I can't swap the new bladder from the Stilletto to a backplate later.
Thanks Steve, that's helpful. I had better call Zeagle to get more specifics. I don't quite know what you mean by "their BCs go together differently than a backplate." I might just get a new backplate now and bladder for that if I can't swap the new bladder from the Stilletto to a backplate later.

Most bladders for backplates are eccectively a fabric "disc" with grommet holes for the bolts that hold the plate to the tank bands. Zeagle bladders are horseshoe shaped and have two straps that thread through the back panel of the bc connecting the two "arms" of the horseshoe.
The answer to both your questions is yes. You can replace the bladder with a Ranger bladder and if you later buy a Zeagle back plate you can move it to the backplate. From the Zeagle web site "and can use any of Zeagle’s existing single or twin tank bladder assemblies, ranging from a streamlined 34 lbs lift all the way up to the dual 85 lb bladder “Big Bertha”. "
Also, ya might want to price out your options. I had a similar question recently as I dive the Stiletto in cold water. Seems a new 45lb (lift) bladder for the Stiletto will cost me near $350.00! I've decided to just save the money and buy an entirely new BCD. I'll keep the Stiletto as a travel or pool BCD.

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