FIXXERVI6:Has anyone on this board had problems with life insurance and Scuba?
Here's a case study, of someone who got $1 million life insurance, 20-year term, at Standard Non-smoker rates: ScubaDiving Certification (PADI, NAUI)
Your broker is the key to what sort of rates you can expect. He or she has got to be very knowledgeable of the "high risk" life insurance market.
Also, make sure you get a prequalified life insurance quote. A prequalified quote is a promise from the underwriter, without the need for a formal application. This completely protects your application history from negative information. Prequalification isn't widely used in the industry, yet -- and it's more work for your broker -- but it's definitely more advantageous for the consumer. Make sure he's willing and able to prequalify you, or find someone who can.
One more point... prequalification should always be free. Don't pay your broker extra for the service of being prequalified. And don't get roped into any obligations. Prequalification should be free and without any obligation. Good points to keep in mind, when shopping around.