CAPTAIN SINBAD:Awesome! This is why we will need the services of good folks like you who have been diving these waters to sort out the above from personal experience and tell us which of these would be the best dives and why? Other information will also be useful such as conditions, temperature, duration of boat rides, where to stay, good place to eat etc.
Now you're up to 350-400 pages.
350-400 pages?!! That's only for the Great Lakes. I have a book on the Great Lakes wrecks which contains 1 or 2 pages per wreck that summarizes the history, location, dive particulars, that runs about 200+ pages. There isn't any info on the non-diving aspects for vacationers. I've dove the Straits of Mackinaw and the Bert Wells a couple of times off of Chicago. As previously mentioned the Great Lakes contain some of the oldest and well preserved wrecks in the country (world?). Hopefully, someone will find the wreck of the Le Griffon (1679) which was the first European boat to ply the waters of Lake Michigan.
You may want to create two books: one for warm water (year round diving) and one for cold (summer diving).