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"Best" is different for different divers. (Apologies to the DIR divers that believe there is one and only one "best").

Aldora is good for airhogs that need 120's.

ScubaDu is good for people that need a lot of handholding, but this irritates some divers.

Small 6 passenger boats are ideal for some.

I prefer the slightly large double 6 pack boats with a head, shade, and not as much spray. In particular, I like Scuba Club Cozumel -- in part because they generally have enough divers to split up divers into groups with other divers of similar abilities and desires.

Charlie :D
is for Carreyitos Advanced Divers. They never get any press, mostly because they don't need it--they get their business from word of mouth from divers who like their extremely personalized service and extended bottom times. They are designed for the diver who doesn't want a DM breathing down their neck (even though there are 3 DM's on every dive), wants a lot of dive time, wants to see new and unusual critters on every dive, wants to dive the sites where there's no other boat to be found and just wants an overall relaxing and completely enjoyable dive experience. I should note here that this op isn't for air hogs who need 100's or 120's just to get an hour dive--their tanks are 80's but most of Carreyito's clientele can do an hour on 80's and come up with air to spare. But with all that being said, diving with them is worth it just to watch Ricardo (the boat's owner and dive leader) do an hour long dive completely upside down. If you run out of reef, you can amuse yourself by trying to see if you can spot the rare occasion when he actually takes a breath! :)
"I should note here that this op isn't for air hogs who need 100's or 120's just to get an hour dive--their tanks are 80's but most of Carreyito's clientele can do an hour on 80's and come up with air to spare".

"Aldora is good for airhogs that need 120's".

I guess you guys are just way too good for the likes of me. You are both obviously much better divers than anyone who might use a big tank! When was the last time you got 1:30 minutes out of an 80? You, not the DM that dives everyday....you. I just want more bottom time for my diving dollar. Now if you consider that to be an air hog then I will just continue to be one in your eyes as well as getting more BT
Aldora. No doubts.
I usually come up with 1000 - 1500 lbs more than my sweetie. Does that mean I'm a good (experience, skillful etc.) diver and he is a bad (novice, out of shape etc.) diver. No way!

I'm in average physical condition but he is a rock-solid animal. I have done roughly 200 dives to his 60, but experience does not account for the difference in our air consumption. My air consumption has been quite low from the very beginning. My OW instructor remarked on it on my very first dive.

My sweetie isn't over-weighted. His bouyancy and trim are fine. He floats through the water like a peice of flotsam on the current, totally horizontal unless there is something on the bottom that he wants to see. His movements are efficient and slow. He doesn't huff and puff under the water.

I have a lower SAC than my sweetie because I am a woman and he is a man. Women have smaller lungs. It takes less air to fill them.

SAC rate is just a fact. The diver has some limited control over it, but biology plays a large part in determining how much air a diver uses. There is no need to be judgemental towards people who use more air than you do.

cxg31s once bubbled...
I should note here that this op isn't for air hogs who need 100's or 120's just to get an hour dive--their tanks are 80's but most of Carreyito's clientele can do an hour on 80's and come up with air to spare.
I'm sorry if my post came off as being judgemental...I was merely trying to make a point that people shouldn't choose a dive op just because they have larger tanks--and yes, some people do use more air than others for whatever reason. But there are many other factors that should go into making your decision. Whatever dive op people use is his/her personal preference--some people prefer larger tanks vs. small, some prefer larger boats vs. small, some prefer more attention from the DM, some don't, some want quick 2 tank dives, others prefer the longer, all-day trips, etc.

And Mike, FYI--my average dive on an 80 is 75 minutes and quite frankly by then I"m ready to come up because I"m thirsty, cold or just ready to get out. This doesn't mean I"m a better or worse diver than you or anyone else--it's MY air consumption rate and doesn't have anything to do with anyone else. My post was not directed at you so you had no right to attack me personally--take a chill pill or better yet, go DIVING, and get over it!

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