@lowviz LOL!!
You have no idea as to how conservative I am now. I am very glad that lesson happened so early in my dive life.
My husband tells me I worry too much. Nope I worry just enough and I am always looking for lessons, and learning them. I'm a planner and a "what if" person. I have plan a, b and sometimes c. I take this seriously. Wait for it...what could go wrong?
I can see myself diving "easy" spots, with little to no current, at mod to shallow depths for the rest of my life. I hope I rarely have to have deco time. But that said I do expect to have the skills, knowledge and confidence to help my self and others if conditions change mid dive. I did my adventure stuff when I was young, and used up a lot of luck at the same time. There are things that I thought I wanted to do diving---caves, deep wrecks, poss ccr.
Now that I know better I don't see that at all in my future. Nothing wrong with any of that stuff, but not for me. To be honest the hardest thing I have recently done is allow my weights to be pulled so make it easier to get on the boat. For me that is a huge sea change. I
can climb the ladder with all my gear, but it's smarter to shed some weight since I'm almost an "AGING DIVER". Damm that phrase. So all the suggestions re older divers are becoming part of my rule book. I don't like all the suggestions but, hey......I do want to dive when I'm 80, and walk, and talk, and change my own diaper
. Well, maybe not the diaper.
I do hope this is the first and last time I post a thread here. And never ever have to post or be posted in the Accidents and Incidents thread. I read this thread alot to learn, and posting my lesson is to help others, as well as more learning for me. For instance, Murky water was right on, we never should have gone in being tired. That's my biggest lesson I've learned today. 100% ready or just chill.