Let me tell you about my team

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Gary D.

ScubaBoard Supporter
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Post Falls, Idaho
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Let me tell you what a team is.

As most of you know I got injured on duty January 20, 2008 in a non dive related incident. To fix the remaining problems I had surgery in December 2008 to repair a broken neck and the problem is now fixed but there have been some healing issues. Basically I haven't been able to do much working out over the past 16 months.

So today was our bi-annual Physical Fitness Test and I was sweating it big time. My wife was mad because I was going to try it but I needed to try. The bad part was my attitude because I went in knowing I was going to fail it which is way out of my character.

So the Jump was first. I wasted everyone's time there and got a big fat ZERO. Then came the stretch which chocked up a few points. Sit-ups add to the point tally and there was no way I was even going to try Push-ups because just a couple are a real painful challenge right now.

Next was the option of running 1.5 miles or ridding a bike 5 miles in the same time frame. Well I own a Recumbent Cycle Shop on the side so I ride and did fine. To max the points I needed a 21 mph average. I only managed to average 19 but that was good enough at this point. Even maxing the points would have left me shy of passing so I just figured I had my first fail.

When the points were added up and I was shy the team rallied around me drug me out to the 300 meter sprint area. Now this 62 year old body does not like to run but the all got behind me and pushed me into finishing it with a little time to left to call a medic. The result was I ended up with 2 points over the minimum passing score.

This is a true team. A bring you up from the dumps team. A caring team and a team that will just not let an old man give up.
gary that is the meaning of team i would be proud to dive with them. as we always say there is no I in team . congrats on you and your team passing the grade.sorry for the spelling lol
I am proud of you Gary. People do amazing things for their buddies and vice versa. With this kind of motivation you will continue to get better and better.
Good to hear Gary, glad they pushed you into passing!
Very cool. Good to hear you are doing better, too. When are you coming back to Florida for a dive trip?
It also give an insight to the kind of man you are, Gary. I'm sure the team feels you would do the same for them, and do not want to see the team without you.

Glad to hear you made it Gary!!! Sounds to me like you have a team that does not want to lose you, period.
Congrats Gary! The Team and Desire drove you to victory! We are all proud of your efforts and accomplishments!

Way to go, Gary!! :D
Way to go too, Gary!
I remember talking to you at the pool at the YMCA, just after you where injured,
I know you where not feeling good at that time.

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