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Good afternoon, my name is Eric and my wife Christy and I reside in Chicago.
We both got certified this summer and just love it. I finished my PADI OW that I started in college years ago and Christy is SSI. We got her mom and dad involved and also did our IANTD Nitrox class.
Illinois has a few good quarries that we frequent, Haigh quarry and Pearl Lake. One neat place downstate is Mermet Springs. They have the 727 from US Marshalls sunk there for penetration and practice.
Over labor day we went to Key Largo and had a blast in the "open water." In February we are going to Maui and indulge in the economical pleasures of shore diving. (Any recommendations for Maui would be appreciated.)
As you can tell I am really excited about my new hobby and I look forward to enticing some great info and advice from all of you!
Thanks for the listen and Happy Holidays.
Erich and Christy,
Welcome from NJ, and congratulations on the OWs!!
This is certainly the place to get-and to give advice about scuba.
Enjoy the board,and the diving,
Welcome to the board.
Lot's of great info here.

Mike M
Welcome from Michigan,

Congrats also to you and your wife. Here is to many many great diving experiences together.

Glad to have you aboard. Ask us anything.

I like to head over to Mermet occationally. Maybe we can dive there sometime next year.

yes indeed there are divers north of the 49th --- welcome to one of the best place to spend your SI at..
Welcome from the frozen north!
and a Warm Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no quarry state.

gald to have you aboard:D

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