I have four lenses that I use U/W. My all around, general purpose, don't know what is coming, lens is the 14-54mm which will cover 80% of my shooting situations, especially in socal, which overs me for moderate wide angle, fish shots, close ups. I dream of a macro version of this lens, which would then cover 95% of my situations.
I have an 11-22mm, and don't use it that much. Real wide angle shots take clear water, and that is becoming a rarity in many, if not most dive spots. the 7-14 is nice, but very expensive and it would sit in my bag most of the time.
I shoot a lot of macro, of necessity here in socal, and have both the 50mm and 35mm lenses. I keep switching off between them because neither is a clear winner. I like the perspective and 1:1 of the 35mm, but like the F/2 of the 50mm giving me a brighter viewfinder.
I have been thinking about trading in my 11-22 and 14-54 for the 12-60 ... but wonder if it will focus as close as the 14-54?