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Tiny Bubbles, your style may be stored in a cookie, the easiest way to get it out of the system is to logout of the board and then log back in, if you still see the wrong style theme let me know.
I logged out and back in, and it said cookies erased, but the sidebar is still there. I believe you though, because the sidebar is gone on my computer at work.

edit: I clicked on Tools, Internet Opetions, Delete Cookies and it fixed the problem. When I logged out and the message said the cookies were erased, it lied.
It sounds like you have something stuck, try clearing out all of your browser's cookies and restarting the browser completely by closing all windows down.
SoBlaming anyone other than the person who is misbehaving is simply absurd ... whatever happened to the concept of personal responsibility?

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Precisely. You chose to be a moderator, as you chose to do everything else in your adult life. No one threatened to break your leg if you didn't choose.

When the Tech Admin complains publicly that some people do not like his decisions, then it is perhaps time he (or she) did something else. It is also true that the complainers might consider either starting their own forum, cleaning up their act, or leaving.

That is personal responsibility.

The whole BB/forum craze reminds me of the CB radio use in the 1970s. The same anonymous expression of unrestrained and unbridled opinion and vulgar abuse.
Personally, I think this is one of the most civilized online forums I've seen in a long time. Sure, there's occasional vulgarity or rudeness, but heck, that's humanity. I learned in kindergarten to ignore it, and I'm still fully capable. These boards are a cross-section of a subset of society, and exhibit the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly. People are going to express their opinions, some more eloquently than others, some more politely than others. Deal with it.

The moderators obviously need to walk a very fine line. I don't think there is much they should have to censor at all. I don't have a problem with bleeping out vulgarity, but I don't see much need to censor anything else (with rare exception). Some of this boards most experienced users (whether you agreed with their opinions or not) have since left because of too much censorship (or so they claim), and I think that's unfortunate. All of us have the ability to ignore, reply, or debate as we see fit.

Just my 0.02.....and not at all about the sidebars. ;)


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