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[h=1]Learn Green, Dive Blue[/h]
Synopsis: NASE is committed to reducing diver trainings impact on the environment by implementing a 100-percent digital learning system. This Learn Green, Dive Blue initiative is the basis of a seminar NASE will offer several times during DEMA 2012. Stop by, learn more, ask questions, get answers.Consult our show schedule for days and times
As divers, we are by default environmentalists. Not the lets throw ten thousand people out of work because that pipeline might hurt the spotted owls feelings kind of environmentalism. Were more the practical kind.
Well, thats right up to a point. Consider:

As divers, we are by default environmentalists. Not the lets throw ten thousand people out of work because that pipeline might hurt the spotted owls feelings kind of environmentalism. Were more the practical kind.
We know, for example, that not only is preserving the coral reefs and fish the right thing to do, its also good for business. As a result, we teach our students good buoyancy control skills, to preserve wrecks rather than rape them for artifacts, and to respect plant and animal life under water.
As diving educators, we tend to give considerable thought to the consequences our actions may have on the aquatic environment. Why is it, then, that the dive industry has shown so little regard for the environment above water?Traditional methods of diver training tend to consume a lot of paper. Most of us have an entire shelf filled with expensive books weve used to teach with (and which we were forced to purchase in order to become instructors). Then, when you add in the textbooks our students have purchased over the years
well, you can end up with a stack of paper over 100 feet high.
But wait, you say, Arent pulpwood trees a renewable resource? I dont see anyone shedding tears when we harvest a field of wheat or corn. Cant we just grow more trees?Well, thats right up to a point. Consider:
- We must harvest the wheat and corn, or else risk starvation.
- Until recently, we didnt have much choice with the pulpwood trees, either. But now technology has given us alternatives.
- It takes fuel to cut down trees and transport them to the paper mill.
- It takes even more energy to convert the pulpwood to paper, get it to the printer, turn it into books, then get those books into students hands. That energy is not replaceable, nor can the impact of the associated pollution be easily negated.
- Its not unusual for a textbook that retailed for $20 just a few years back to sell for $40 or more today. In a few more years that amount could easily be $60, $80 $100 or more.
- Another cost associated with paper publishing is that of time. It simply takes too much time to get paper textbooks into students hands. First you have to order the books from the publisher (i.e., training agency). That can take a week or more. Then your students may need to make a special trip to your store just to pick them up (a trip that can cost them $10 or more just in gas).
- In most consumers estimation, it already takes too much time to learn to dive. Anything we do to add to that just decreases our potential market. And theres no reason it has to.
- eLearning for Every NASE Diver Course: NASE already has eLearning programs for Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Nitrox, Cave and Instructor training. Were moving rapidly to develop eLearning programs for all NASE continuing eduction and leadership programs.
- Digital eBooks: eLearning students still want and need reference materials. With the cost of paper books becoming prohibitive, more and more people are turning to devices such as iPads, Androids and Windows tablets, Kindles, Nooks even smart phones. Were following suit by making all of our texts available as digital eBooks and were giving them away free with each eLearning course.
- Virtual Record Keeping: Students begin the registration process when they enroll in NASE eLearning (they can even upload their own c-card photos!). Instructors can then log in to the eLearning system to maintain a record of the students in-water skill performance and training completion. When ready, the instructor can certify a student just by clicking a button.
- Digital C-Cards: If youve ever checked in for a flight using a paperless ticket on your smart phone, you can pretty much envision what these are like. Digital c-cards never wear out, never get lost and never need replacing.
- Paperless Paperwork: This is something weve had for the past two years. All of NASEs traditional paperwork is available as interactive PDFs you can complete on screen, digitally sign and email back to us all without ever sending a piece of paper through a printer.
- Students overwhelmingly choose eLearning over more traditional and time-consuming methods of diver training especially when it saves them money.
- Numerous studies have shown that computer-aided instruction, when properly done, results in more effective transfer of cognitive skills than traditional learning methods, such as classroom lectures.
- The time eLearning saves means more time with students to promote continuing education, equipment sales, dive travel and local dive activities. It can also translate into more time in the water.
- The appeal of digital learning helps make your NASE courses more appealing to todays consumers than those of organizations who insist on continuing to mow down trees.
- Our digital record keeping system, in which students enter their own contact information and upload their own photos saves you data-entry time and helps ensure greater accuracy.
- Not only do you not need to have money tied up in an extensive inventory of learning materials, our single-price policy means you pay one low price for a package that includes your students eLearning signup code, digital eBook, c-card processing and lifetime access to the eLearning course and virtual student records. This translates directly into lower costs and higher profit margins for you.
Dont be caught in the past. Join with us in catching the new wave in diver training. Teach different. Learn different. Dive different.
Learn green. Dive blue.