Learn from these threads: Have a safe weekend

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Reaction score
Norman, OK
# of dives
50 - 99
As it warms up across the country, an incresing number of divers are getting out their stuff and heading out to the lakes, quarries and for the lucky few, the ocean. It also seems that in recent weeks I've noticed an increasing number of reported accidents or drownings reported here. So in the interest of safety, LEARN from what you have read here and take a few minutes to practice some skills this weekend. And NEVER leave your buddy.
Hopefully we'll all be reading about the great dive you had this weekend instead of everyone trying to figure out if "that guy" was a member of this board. :snorkel:
Let me elaberate a bit.

Lately Ive notice our dive trips to RI from CT have been like business trips with someone always needing to get back home after the dive quickly. This tends to rush things and little things happen pieces of gear are forgotten and our entrys seem rushed. Equipment isnt checked, our safety checks are bypassed etc.

I say make a day of it and enjoy being near the water and plan time to enjoy an outing and dont make the dives to buisiness like. Allow time for
proper diving the way we were taught by PADI NAUI SSI etc.

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