Latex allergy

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Arizona and Hawaii
Sorry ...I posted a request for information on latex in hoses. I ment to type HIGH PRESSURE hoses. MY concern is the internal coating of the HP hose and its latex content. Any one with ideas on how to test for latex particles at the mouth piece?
The HP hose supplies only the gauge. Some gas will pass through it and back again, as tank pressure drops, and a little will be driven in and out constantly by the pulsations of the first stage, But the quantity will be neglible compared to the air being breathed, which, in a modern single hose reg, goes through the LP hose. So I would be a lot more worried about the LP than the HP hose.

I would suggest, if you really want to get to the bottom of this, writing a letter to whoever made your regulator (and maybe a couple other reg manufacturers just to double check) asking if they could find you the answer. They should be able to contact their hose supplier and get the low down.

Letters usually get (when they are answered at all) a much more thorough and thoughtful response than a phone call, especially because they know that they might turn up again in court.

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