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Now you may have a point, dear Liv, but would Gabe’s prosecutors rely on such shenanigans?

Shenanigans are the spice of life Dadvocate :rofl3: And may I say you have to learn to play the game: last word/first word! So your sentence should have started with "causative", a difficult one I know! :wink:
(in an effort to make amends I'll combine the last two into a hybrid of sorts) Cause-Dadvocate wasn't paying attention.
Attention can be improved by timely relaxation :)
(in an effort to make amends I'll combine the last two into a hybrid of sorts) Cause-Dadvocate wasn't paying attention.
Attention seems to be something not happening with SB itself lately! (you posted the same thing twice or was that a SB error?)
Attention seems to be something not happening with SB itself lately! (you posted the same thing twice or was that a SB error?)

Error it may be to not begin this sentence with lately!
sounding like its time for bed.
Bed is the best place when you're tired!

('Night MG!)

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