Last Minute Special to Komodo April 3-12

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Scuba Instructor
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200 - 499
Join us for a charter to dive in the remote and exotic Komodo Islands April 3rd -12th, 2010. The diving is spectacular - an underwater photographer‘s dream. April is a great time of year to go. The boat accommodates up to ten guests, so the group will be small and intimate. The trip will be on the Lalunia and hosted by Lucas and Shannon Price. Lucas and Shannon have a lot of experience diving in SE Asia, and will be returning to Komodo to dive with their favorite operator. Lucas is an accomplished underwater photographer and tutoring will be available for those who are interested. The itinerary includes a mix of photo opportunities with an impressive array of wide angle and macro subjects. In the northern islands we will dive with giant mantas, huge schools of fish, impressively colorful corals, and with some luck we’ll see sharks. Southern Komodo has some of the best macro sites anywhere as well as beautiful and healthy reefs. We will make sure you go home with a great experience and great photos. The boat is brand new with basic comforts - good fresh food , comfortable outdoor seating in the sun and shade, and private sleeping cabins. This makes for an inexpensive trip with world-class diving. We have been on all classes of boats in Indonesia, and despite this being a budget operator, they have provided our favorite experience. To see underwater photos and read our trip report from last year go to here. To see pictures of the boat we will be on, go here. Prices are below The boat departs from Labuanbajo on the island of Flores. You can get to Flores from Bali. Interested? Contact Lucas. Lprice{at]uwencounters{dot}com

Standard Double Room - 1790 USD per person
Single Room - 1970 USD per person
Large Double Room - 1970 USD per person

Price includes accommodation, meals, coffee, tea, water, towels, 3 dives per day (1st and last day 3 dives cumulatively), transport airport-boat-airport

Price does not include international airfare, domestic airfare, komodo national park fee, alcoholic beverages or soda
they both offer 10 day trip in komodo and the komodo dancer is significantly more expensive. i am trying to figure out if it is 'worth it'. the dancer goes from bali - flores which saves me one plane ticket..... i can only find one trip report for the lalunia. any thoughts?
From what I've heard,you waste time diving sites that are less interesting if you start out from Bali so it seems worth it to fly to Flores and start from there. Have Fun!. Hilary
Disagree on wasted time on diving sites from Bali; we dove some pretty good sites and one of the best sites of the Komodo Dancer trip, and we would have done Tulumben on the way back if the current wasn't so strongly against us lengthening travel time. Flying to Flores will give you more time in the park proper though.

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