Trying to help out a TripAdvisor poster - snowdrenched. Here's the deal:
"We're going to Little Cayman Dec 22 for a week, did not book dives yet and now they're all full.
Please, are there any ideas what we could do?
Our hostess is very helpful, but no luck yet. We are 2 divers. We're going for the diving, nothing else!
Reef Divers.....is full
Southern cross
Pirates point
Conch club"
Any advice to save a dive holiday?
"We're going to Little Cayman Dec 22 for a week, did not book dives yet and now they're all full.
Please, are there any ideas what we could do?
Our hostess is very helpful, but no luck yet. We are 2 divers. We're going for the diving, nothing else!
Reef Divers.....is full
Southern cross
Pirates point
Conch club"
Any advice to save a dive holiday?