Las Rocas or Anthony Key Resort

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Fair Oaks, CA....mentaly in Cozumel
# of dives
25 - 49

I am planning my first trip to Roatan and can't decide on a few things. My LDS is doing a trip at the end of August at Anthony's Key Resort for 1,890 dollars , this includes air fair and 3 to 4 dives a day. This seems like a great price. I have a friend that swears by Las Rocas. I can do Las Rocas for the same price or a little cheaper but the TripAdvisor comments are a mix of great and really bad. Has anyone been to either resort lately? Any feedback. I usually dive in Cozumel and stay at Blue Angel if that gives you any ideas of what I am looking for in a dive trip.

I can't comment on Las Rocas as I have no personal experience there, however have been to AKR several times and you can count on a professionally run operation with great meals and even better diving. Check on whether the price quoted is a Hill or Key Standard room (no air conditioning) or if it's Hill or Key Superior which has air conditioning. That could be a comfort factor in August.
I prefer staying in West Bay; awesome beach with access to great snorkling and the best topside activities, as well as the town in West End. Being based on the west side of the island simultaneously provides easy travel options to both northern and southern dive sites, and you'll have much more going on around your location when you're not diving.

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I was at AKR (solo) last March and rather enjoyed the place. Take note of the comment above regarding the availability of air conditioning.

Dive OP was good, as was the food and accommodations. They've got some entertainment, a museum, dolphin encounters, and shore diving (don't bother with diving the channel as there isn't much to see).

Here's a link to some underwater photos I took:
Picasa Web Albums - Ben - Roatan 2010 (...

And topside around the resort/surrounding areas. I wish I had taken more, but here's what I have:
Picasa Web Albums - Ben - Roatan 2010~ ...
In answer to the OP's question directly...

AKR offers three boat departures with one tank on each dive. Roatan Dive Schedule for Honduras Diving | Anthony's Key Resort Although they offer "shore diving", this is rarely done by many guests. The entry is a hassle, the hours are somewhat restrictive, and the dive is basically a thrash. They do have shore diving inside the lagoon, which although a first rate muck dive, appeals to very very few guests. (Me? I love it.)

Las Rocas offers two boat dives per day.Roatan Diving - Wet'n Wild Dive Center @ Las Rocas Resort

Las Rocas is within easy walking distance of other distractions and West End delights. From AKR you're going to need a short cab ride which is always available and a very few dollars. At AKR, you have all meals provided for you, but each of three meals will require a climb up the many steps on the hillside. Some regress into a discussion of diver fitness- I'm just talking about aged knees and people with disabilities. At Las Rocas, you get breakfast, but you're going to have to plan your own lunch and access it between dives... while at AKR you eat and then go take a nap.

AKR over LasRocas will offer you more scuba diving at a lower cost-per-dive ratio, but it is still not the island-wide leader in that algebraic equation.

In terms of being able to escape the North/West when weather turns sour, making tracks for diving on the South shore, both operations can offer you that escape, but again- with more boats and infrastructure, AKR is the island champion in escaping inclement North/West wind and wave when the need arises. They will likely offer to bus you over to meet their boats along the Southern shore instead of Mister Toad's Wild Ride (there and back) as some dive ops do.

Please don't put much stock in Trip Advisor's use as a SCUBA Travel site~ it is simply not the case. Vacationers who might happen to dive post there, not people on Dive Vacations. There is a difference. Las Rocas (and AKR) have many devout fans, but unfortunately in the same way most Roatan offerings have fans... very few posters have been to multiple various dive ops.

Besides- one place is where your friends are going to dive... that may be a big deciding factor (one way or the other :wink:)
I have never stayed at AKR so I really don't know much about it. The first time we went to Roatan on a cruise we did dive with them and fell in love with the diving. There boats are nice, big and spacious but can get a bit crowded (from what I saw). Not to say they will be when you are there.
Our next trip to Roatan we took out college age kids with us. We did stay at Las Rocas and fell in love with it. Very rustic and quaint and you feel like one big family there. With their package they offer 2 one tank dives. Since you don't have to go far you come back between dives.
There boats are small and you do a back roll into the water. They give you a ladder to get out after they take your gear. It didn't bother us at all as with the four of us there was usually only 1 maybe 3 other divers. Loved the small groups. The dive master was awesome.
We did more dives but of course you pay for the extras.
We ate breakfast there in the mornings and went out to dinner at night. Lots of restaurants and right down the boardwalk are beautiful beaches. You can hop a water taxi for a couple of dollars to go into West End.
The diving was great and we saw so many of the larger things... shark, turtles etc...
This past June we went back and stayed at FIBR. It was a whole different experience as we just dove and stayed at the resort. We really enjoyed both and the diving was very different at each.
FIBR runs a schedule more like AKR.
Not sure what we will do for our next time there. So it really depends what you want to do on your trip.
Hope this helps some and that whatever you decide have a great time.
Thanks everyone. I decided to book with my LDS and go with Anthony Key Resort. I couldn't beat the price they offered on my own. Now the countdown begins.

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