Lake Whitney Conditions - June 12th - 14th

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Tyler Texas
Hello all,

My cousin used to live in the Whitney area and still has family there. Every since I got him into diving he has had this tempation to dive lake whitney. He invited me to go camping with him, his wife, and his kiddos. Well...this weekend his desire was satisfied.

Pricing: Campsites were 15$ a day. If you dive the scuba park, it is 5$ a day PER PERSON. Air fills were 5$ per tank per fill. My cousin is still there, he rented the site from sat to thurs. I personally thought that since we were paying to camp at the side of the scuba park, the fees should be waved. Especially since he booked the site for six days. I realize 5$ a day for a scuba park is very low in comparison but like i said, we were paying to camp there and air fills too.

Saturday, we arrived at about 2pm and of course, I went straight up to the dive shop. Bobby (my cousin) temporarily lost his mind when he told the guy at the dive shop that we wouldnt even get in the water that day. I helped him back to reality hehe...

The dive shop is pretty much attached to the Marina shop and there are about 7 campsites along the waters edge of the Scuba Park, which is a small cove with bouys protecting it from boats. The Scuba shop has a small assortment of rental gear and alot of tanks for rent. The guy at the dive shop says the current owner just recently bought the shop and is renovating it and trying to stock it with gear as well.

There are 3-4 platforms at different depths along with a few boats. The cove starts out at a depth of 10ft and decends to about 90 ft at the bouys.

Visibility between 1ft to 45ft depths was at a max of 5-7 ft. Below 50ft, there was absolutely no light what-so-ever but with a flash light, the visibility was 10-15 ft. Which I thought was really cool. I think with a brighter light, the visibility would have been even better.

Temp was 80ish at the surface and didnt really have a drastic change till 50+, then it got down to 72 degrees. At 75+ it got down to about 66 degrees. Still, not bad.

Depth at the bouy side of the cove, at the shore, started at about 10 ft and sloped to 30ft, then had a straight down drop off to 80 ft. At about 60 ft in depth we started finding small caverns and overhangs. The guy at the dive shop said that there is one at 80ish ft that they havent found the end of yet.

We heard of another place on the lake called Wallings Bend which consists of large cliffs that people jump off of. We heard that people tend to lose alot of stuff there and is great for "search and recover" hehe. Unfortunately, human nature seems to have seriously damaged the natural scenery here. We saw more beer bottles and cans than anything. I have not seen so much beer bottles and cans in a liquor store. We did, however, find a female bathing suit top (old and grungy), a baseball cap, do-rag, sock, car door, and a lawn chair. Among other junk. Best part of diving at this location was Orange...(our nickname for her, lots of vitamin SEE hehe). A gorgeous, hot female wearing a very skimpy bright orange bathing suit that was jumping off the cliffs.

Overall diving was ok. I ended up with 12 dives, Bobby logged 10, and my GF logged 8. The deepest I had been before this was 60ft at CSSP. I really enjoyed going 60+ and seeing how clear it got. The caverns were a huge plus also. My biggest issue was with the pricing. I think they could price things a little better for camping divers.

If i left anything out, just reply with your questions and i'll answer them as I check on the forums.

Best part of diving at this location was Orange...(our nickname for her, lots of vitamin SEE hehe). A gorgeous, hot female wearing a very skimpy bright orange bathing suit that was jumping off the cliffs.

Now I wish I would have went with you. :( Wildlife is the best part of diving. :wink:

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