Lake Malawi

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Malawi by way of Colorado
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0 - 24
Has anyone here ever done Lake Malawi? I am going to be in Malawi for 2 years with the Peace Corps and I would love to see the lake. I have heard amazing things about the fish.
No kidding! I'm very interested in this as well. My ex-wife is currently in the PC in Zambia, and has asked me to come over and dive this lake with her. I'm seriously considering it ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Bob that is awesome! It stuns me how many people have really done Peace Corps, all you have to do is ask around. I am really looking forward to going. I have decided I am a warm water wimp and with so many different species of fish I think it woul be great.
Hahaha, I heard about that one! If it does pass though my brother will never be able to visit!
Hi, I did a few dives in Lake Malawi a number of years ago. At the time, I had read that Lake Malawi was the best fresh water diving in Africa, so I booked a week-end at the lodge. There were no wrecks or underwater artifacts to explore so the dives are focused on the bountiful fish.

There are a number of Cyclid species within the lake and there are more fish than you can imagine. The diving is relatively shallow and easy. It was a good trip, but with fresh water you just don't have that explosion of color that you get in the tropical oceans.

Take your regulator and wet suit on the trip, but in many respects, the best part of the lake is above water. I am sure you will enjoy the fauna and flora lake side as much as I did. I still have memories of sailing on the lake for a day watching eagles snatch fish.

Cool . . . enjoy the Peace Corps.

If my memory serves the lake is on the border between Malawi and Mozambique. If you get a chance, take a trip to the other side of Mozambique. I still rate this as the best diving I have seen.

If you are going to Zambia, leave your regulator and wetsuit at home and go to the waterfalls. Jump off the bridge (you need a passport to access the bridge). Also go river rafting in the Zambezi (there will be crocodiles in the river alongside you). :D
I had the opportunity to dive Lake Malawi many years ago. Sure, we didn't hear of any wrecks nor find anything bigger that several fishermen boats.

However, the fish diversity and numbers were awesome. Also, in many dives we chose sites with amazing boulder structures, so overall it was really worth all the trouble to get there with equipment and compressor. I hope that nowadays there are some dive clubs which could facilitate things a little :wink:

I don't think it is worth enough to travel across the world only for the purpose of diving Lake Malawi. However, if you are getting there anyway (e.g. peace corps) and have the chance to dive- don't hesitate. Not sure there any deco chambers everywhere nearby, so take this into consideration when profiling your dives...

I'd also recommend doing some trekking to mount Mulanje- and there are also quite a few other attractions in Malawi. If my memory hasn't faded with the years, it is quite a long travel to Victoria falls (and Zambezi rafting) but if you are going there anyway, why not?

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