Laguna night dive 1/1

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Anyone interested in doing a night dive at Crescent Bay Thurs. around 5 PM.

Anyone interested in doing a night dive at Crescent Bay Thurs. around 5 PM.

I just might be, I will let you know for sure soon. I haven't been out to Laguna in a long time.
I would love to dive Laguna Just dont think im up for a long drive down their. Expecialy since i have to go down to SD on the 3 for my game warden test
I am trying to see if anyone wants to dive with me in the morning on another dive forum outside of SCUBA Board which has about 100 members. I posted the time and place, but no one has responded probably because most are out of town or will be up all night partying on New Years Eve. If no one replies, then I would definitely consider a night dive on that day.
I might be up for that, I was gonna see if anyone was up for a morning dive at laguna anyways and would love to see crescent at night :)

I'll follow up later on this!
Hey Erika good luck on your test. To everyone else I hope you can join us.

Thanks. I have the 6,7,and 8th off So lets plan a dive and Get my dry streek to an end :)
I will either be diving early this morning with some buddies or I will be out of commission for diving because of a cold. A lot of my Coworkers are sick at work and it seems like I am starting to get a cold. I also plan to do my drysuit course dives this Saturday, but if I end up getting sick that will not happen either. This is what I get when I go to work.
Well you all missed a great night dive at Crescent. We had about 20 ft vis & saw around 6 or 7 Morays. We seen a bunch of Lobsters but they were hiding in the rocks. The entry/exit was a piece of cake.


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