Lady's dive fashion for the water-How are you dressing for a tank out on the town?

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I dive a Seaquest Diva BC w/wing. I love it. It also doesn't get in the way when I take pictures. I use a DUI TLS 350 drysuit, aqua green and black. My tank is PINK and I love it. My LDS just told me it was painted by a body shop. I don't care. Everybody knows exactly who it is in that tank. I also have pink hose protectors on almost all my hoses. I say almost 'casue I can't find them anymore :(
My regulator and computer are Oceanic.
And my fins, they are blades, one blue and one black. When anyone asks, I say that's where I'm black and blue. :)
My suit is a Spedo, strap back, anything that looks deacent at Costco in the spring. I dump 2 or 3 of them in my cart.
When I ab dive I use an Excel "all in one" that's semi dry - that's why 2 or 3 swim suits a year. Pulling a wetsuit up over my rear stretches out the elastic. :(
My tank is PINK and I love it. My LDS just told me it was painted by a body shop. I don't care. Everybody knows exactly who it is in that tank. I also have pink hose protectors on almost all my hoses.

Go girl! Can I have turquoise please ?
Anything you want - just smile at the autobody shop guy
I'm an all pink girl. I have:

TUSA Tri-Ex Fins, mask, and snorkel (pink)

7mm 2 piece wetsuit is black with pink down the side

Aqualung Pearl i3 (love it). The new integrated lever system is awesome...

She Dives (baby blue) reg. I love the small size and it's lightweight

My hose protectors are even pink. I had a comment after one dive where a fellow diver said she was able to pick me out instantly in the group we were diving with because of my pink fins...
I just got another pair of basic black shoes aka Scuba Pro Jet Fins. I am going to put black bungee straps on the back of them to turn them into bargin sling backs
I'm JEALOUS!!! I have a men's x-small drysuit I bought used (the previous owner drank too much beer) that's black, grey fins, henderson gloves, black hood, an old beat up Classic bc... But I do dive with an Apex regulator. My prize possession though? My tanks. Our 12 year old daughter used fingernail polish on them... (hearts, "love", flowers....) But the best one is my pony... It has "love you mom" drawn on it... Always a reminder to be safe...

By the way. Thanks for the bathrobe idea! LOVE IT!!! I wear an old dive parka (black, of course)....
I dive warm (water must be warmer than 72 degrees) and currently have:

Zeagle Zena BC (blue front), which I LOVE the fit and corset design on....heck, what could be sexier than a corset? :wink:

Zeagle Envoy reg/octo combo. Chose this because of their perfect ScubaLab scores, even outperforming regs 3x as expensive.

Used to dive Henderson Hyperstretch suits, but have now switched to Pinnacle Elastiprene (all black). I find the Pinnacle to be just as comfortable, but better made and better quality suits (IMO).

Booties are Gold Core Henderson zip-ups (black) with Mares Avanti Quattro fins (blue) with spring straps.

Basically everything I have is black with blue accents. Since I'm not a girlie-girl and definitely not into pink, the black/blue is about as coordinated as I can manage. <LOL>
Well, I've updated my look . . . I'm now styling in a White's Fusion. What a suit! Looks incredibly stupid on almost everybody (and the X-shorts don't help) but the comfort is incomparable. Kind of like the bathrobe that keeps coming up here . . . And, for a little while at least, I'm like the gal in Pretty Woman. I'm wearing an expensive, fancy bracelet, also known as the Liquivision X1 computer.
The terry bath robes are the bomb! The last time I was out diving for a couple of days, one of the guys came up and asked if I had an extra robe with me. He said he was so cold he would even wear the pink one. I have several and usually take an extra one. I had to tell him no since the pink one was home drying out from the day before. Man on man was I sad to tell him no. That would have been a great picture to post on the board! I have been picking them up from Goodwill or such stores for $5 or 10. I usually get the men's robes because the are so much bigger and I can wrap them around me and snuggle down inside of them better and the are longer. And since a lot of men don't like wear robes it seems I find a lot of them in like new condition.

I haven't found a good hat to put on after coming out of the cold water on a windy day. I might try one of those Russian looking hats. Now that would be a sight for sore eyes. Pink bath robe and big furry hat as I am packing up my gear at the lake!
Oh, I have a wonderful faux fur hat that I wear for diving! Silly looking, but man, does it work.


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