La Paz trip report

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El Buzo Loco

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ USA
Just got back late yesterday from a week aboard the "Don Jose" off La Paz.

I shot about 500+ pix (Oly 5050 and housing) during the trip and haven't had a chance to sort through all of them.

This photo is kind of interesting, in that I came VERY close to becoming a moray morsel :wacko: when the eel charged out of the hole to confront me.

I got bitten on the left index glove finger, but all he/she got was loose glove and I got the photo... The better part of valor is to give these big eels a little more space in the future!
That 'smile' is alot different than the normal one we see on their faces!

Glad all he got was glove! :wacko:
El Buzo Loco, is that stirred up sand at the bottom right of the pic you fleeing for your life? Nice shot.
:wacko: I had pressed the shutter and the lag caught the moray as he was coming out to play "'re it" with my fingers...thus his "dust."

I was stupid and lucky. I'll be a little less bold next time (but I did get the photo) :)

I shot hundreds of pix (all wide-angle in macro) with the the Oly 5050 and housing and I've got several shots that are pretty decent and will become framed prints.

The Oly is so compact it doesn't interfere with diving fun. But it lets you capture those "if I only had a camera moments!"

I've read some negative comments about the shutter lag and such, but I found the half-shutter press technique easy and virturally eliminated the delay when set on "P."

Incidentally...I took the Oly on two night dives and got some great shots. You can't see through the LCD at night unless you highlight the subject with a flashlight (not a big deal at all). The shots generally were as sharp and clear as my day shots.

I'm very pleased with the Oly product and would recommend it.

PS - There were 4 Oly 5050s on the Don Jose liveaboard out of 12 divers. There were two video cameras. Oly has a runaway success.

PPSS - I heard about Sony's 820 digital coming out by the end of the year and the possibility that it may have an inexpensive housing by the end of 2004. That will be and 8 megapixel camera!
El Buzo Loco once bubbled...
coming out to play "'re it"...


~Matt Segal

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