Kudos to the Mod Sh@rkW@tcher

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I thought my reports on viz a little south of Venice would translate into something useful. I found out today it doesn't so good for Sh@rk W@tcher for sticking to his guns. We did two dives today 12 miles off of Venice in 40 foot of water and the viz was 5-6 at most. An hour later we did a dive in 45 foot of water 11 miles off Stump and the viz was 25-30. Go figure. I'll reserve my viz reports to the boneyard area from now on.
We did two dives today 12 miles off of Venice in 40 foot of water and the viz was 5-6 at most.

What did you see on you dives out there?

Not Much would be my guess...
Not Much would be my guess...

That would be a very good guess. The only thing of note would be a number of good size French Angelfish. The Venice spots were both new and I wanted to check them out for future reference even though I knew the viz was terrible.

Edited to add.....Should be Grey Angelfish not French. Sorry, I looked them up today. We did see Blues and Queens today also.
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Anyone interested in a shark tooth dive this week?? I'm looking for a buddy and will be in FL for the next few days.

Let me know!!


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