Kowaliga Meets Boat or Vice Versa

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Tom Smedley

ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Montgomery, AL
# of dives
Boat came to Alabama from South Carolina to do some diving. We took him to Lake Martin this morning and he stayed the length with only a wetsuit in the 49 F water.

When we introduced him to a Grouper Sandwich at Sinclairs - all Boat had to say between bites was "I'm overcome with awe!"

Ladies and Gentlemen - Boat and the world famous wooden indian Kowaliga.

49 degrees in a wetsuit "Is is any wonder that his face is red?"
'Twas a lovely outing, lovely indeed.
"Bracing," that's what the water temp was... bracing.
And it was good to meet Boat and have him join our little Hodag family while he's down here for the next few weeks.
glad he found his way to a dive while in our area - sounds like a good time had by all, despite the frigid temps
Thanks for letting me tag along! Had a great time and got some fabulous experience. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to make some of the upcoming dives ya'll have planned. Thanks again, Boat
Tom Smedley just sent over a photo from the dive...
A handsome bunch indeed.
Ah, but who's who?
First Row is Tom (AKA TT) Lu-Lu and Vinny
Second Row is Sphyrna (AKA Uncle Bersie) and J'Chan
Third row is Boat, General, and Binary

Tom Smedley just sent over a photo from the dive...
A handsome bunch indeed.
Ah, but who's who?
Tom Smedley:
First Row is Tom (AKA TT) Lu-Lu and Vinny
Second Row is Sphyrna (AKA Uncle Bersie) and J'Chan
Third row is Boat, General, and Binary
Gol' dang it, TT, yew ain't s'posed to tell 'em who's who!
Ye oughta make 'em guess fer a day er two, don'tchaknow?

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