I don't see it on their FB page. So probably a 5 year old photo on the timeline.
I spent 7 years there. Over 1.5 million dives are conducted around Koh Tao per year. Without issues. Of course there is no news value in reporting about each of these dives, all the good experiences and the fun. That might still not make up for several unfortunate accidents, but in this case a local captain was inflicting the fatal injuries. Not the diveshop that the instructor was working for. But a captain working for another diveshop you mention in 6. I can already tell you that the manager from that diveshop did not tell the captain to run over surfacing divers (and that's common sense, one doesn't need to be a lawyer to come up with this).
My apologies for not being native English. Fortunately the message is still clear. Since I'm not a lawyer but a participant on a forum about scuba diving, I care less about jurisdictions than reading between
your lines. See point 1. C'est le ton qui fait la musique (since you're not multilingual or bilingual but English-speaking: google it).
Surface Marker Buoy
He is listed as such on the PADI Pro website. Which is accessible for PADI Pro's.
Ian, if you're gonna post anything else in this section, I advise you to thoroughly read the
special rules for this forum section. Several posts are crossing the line (including this reply), but that's up to a moderator to decide.