Knife found at Octopus Hole

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Found on 5/14/05. Describe (unless you work at UWW...) and pay shipping and I'll mail it to you from Portland.

Hey, I can describe that knife! Just Kidding Casey, it was nice meeting you over the weekend. That knife belongs to Ainan (Sp?). One of our former students. He id'd it on Sunday. It was a Christmas gift from his son. Drop me an email and I'll try to put you and Ainan together to get it back to him.

Remember, he owes you a bottle of your favorite for finding and returning his gear:)

Hey, I can describe that knife! Just Kidding Casey, it was nice meeting you over the weekend. That knife belongs to Ainan (Sp?). One of our former students. He id'd it on Sunday. It was a Christmas gift from his son. Drop me an email and I'll try to put you and Ainan together to get it back to him.

Remember, he owes you a bottle of your favorite for finding and returning his gear:)


Thanks, Scott. Good to meet you as well. When i picked up my DS from Dave yesterday he let me know about the owner. I am going to drop the knife off at the shop after work tonight for him to pick up. Dave also mentioned a salvage fee....

its.... ah.... my knife, right...

describe it...

well... it's a knife, and it looks a lot like a knife. this particular knife is my knife,
which is how you can tell it apart from all other knives which are not my knife

this one has a handle... and a blade... also... it may or may not have a pointy
end (i dont' remember now... it's been a long time since i looked at it)

it is made of metal... let's see... hmmm....

that's about it!
its.... ah.... my knife, right...

describe it...

well... it's a knife, and it looks a lot like a knife. this particular knife is my knife,
which is how you can tell it apart from all other knives which are not my knife

this one has a handle... and a blade... also... it may or may not have a pointy
end (i dont' remember now... it's been a long time since i looked at it)

it is made of metal... let's see... hmmm....

that's about it!

It cant's be yours, I know it's mine because the blade isn't just's stainless steel!

Casey, Let me know how your drysuit works out. I know you will love it. I'm glad Ainan is getting his knife back. He and his son are really neat people. That is one of the things I love about this sport. Honest people like yourself. We all know how expensive this stuff is and it sure is nice to get it back.


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