Key West trip report

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Alan in ATL

Reaction score
Atlanta, Ga
(I posted this in the Key West thread, but it was so far down the list I thought I'd post it here too for those of you planning a trip to Key West)

...just got back from 5 days in Key West (3/22-3/26/05). We dove with Dive Key West after reading some of your good reviews of the operation. I am happy to report that your suggestions were dead on. KW's boat's (Easy Diver) crew (Eric, captain and Megan, DM) could not have been better. As a matter of fact, everyone I dealt with were great folks...from the shop sales people on up to the owner.

The DM went on all dives, and while allowing the experienced folks to do their thing, she was very patient and HELPFUL to the newer divers (including my son) by answering questions and lingering near on the dives, but not smothering them with unwanted attention.

I had heard from some folks that Easy Diver can get crowded, but the most we had was about 8 divers on a boat that could easily have handled several more than that. She left and returned on time and was plenty fast and well maintained.

The safety/site lecture was thorough and unhurried, but not preachy.

We checked in and set up our gear at the shop, the staff checked over everyone's setup, and then they transported it the short drive to the docks. You drive your own vehicle the few miles to the docks where the boat departs/returns.

They load/unload all gear at the boat for you, and you can leave your gear with them after the trip for either diving with them later, or if you just don't want to haul it all back to your hotel room/condo while you make up your mind as to the dive plans for the rest of your trip.

First rate people and service.

Oh, by the way, air temps in the 80's, water temps in the mid-70's (wore a full 5mm suit but could have done with less), and viz of at least 100 feet. Wrecks sitting on the bottom at 70 feet were easily and fully visible from the deck of Easy Diver. Never saw a cloud in the sky the whole time we were there.

Hope that helps some of you thinking of Key West.
Alan in ATL:
We checked in and set up our gear at the shop, the staff checked over everyone's setup, and then they transported it the short drive to the docks. You drive your own vehicle the few miles to the docks where the boat departs/returns.
Sounds like a no-stress dive day, except for the drive between the shop and the boat... I don't like my gear out of my sight, and it seems that they could just take your money on the boat. But, if I'm ever down that far I'll keep them in mind. Thanks for the review, and good for you hitting a perfect day!
"I don't like my gear out of my sight, and it seems that they could just take your money on the boat."

I left the money locked in my car, but you are required to trust them re: the equipment. Not much way around that, I suppose. That's why I asked you guys for your recommendations...just happy to confirm the references made here.

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