Key Largo Trip Report (It's A Dive - operation) Aug 26, 2006

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My first time diving the Keys so I did some research and opted to go out with "It's A Dive" operating out of the Marriott Key Largo Beach Bay Resort. I was very disappointed in the whole dive operation and experience with "It's a Dive". I picked this place because Scuba Diving magazine rated them a 100 for service and other diver reiviews were "glowing". These reviews indicated this place did everything for you and was very attentive. That being said, I had visions of a top-notch operator and figured we would have everything done for us and just have to dive, just like other "top ops". Boy… I figured wrong. I know the 100 rating was a "reader" survey so I guess the "readers" all work at the shop. Now I have nothing against doing things for myself, that's how it always is with my local diving, but when I read reviews from other divers and magazines that state that this operator waits on their every need, you sort of expect more than we got.

We showed up on time and took our gear to the boat. The boat was crowded, 30+ divers. The 3 operators were busy getting the boat ready so all the divers had to ready their own gear, no problem, but not what I was expecting after reading other reviews. We took a 45 minute ride out to the dive site and I started getting pumped to blow some bubbles. The dive briefing consisted of the captain pointing and saying "The current is moving this way so dive here and be back in 1 hr." They did name a few fish we might see. No Dive Master went in the water to lead any who might wish it. No problem, but again... not what I was expecting from a top operator. Even my last cheap dive put a DM in the water.

Into the water... visibility was good. The dive site was only 25' deep. Nothing special on this dive, just a reef like most I have seen. But I find plenty to keep me interested. After 55 minutes I headed back up... still had 1300 psi, but they have a schedule. Got out of the water, they helped with the fins, take the gear off and did move the gear to another tank. I did have to change it because they put the BC too low on the next tank. You ever knock the back of your head on a tank and you'll know what I mean.

They boated us to the next dive spot, 3 minutes from the last location. This spot was also 25' deep. Since the dives were all shallow, no one had issues with surface intervals, however, it would have been nice to have had a longer interval, talk with my buddy about the last dive, rest a little, drink some water, etc... but at this point I was getting the idea that these guys were here to move us through like cattle. After all... they have to be back to take the next lot of divers out on this boat.

The second dive was more of the same. A very short verbal dive brief and a finger pointed in the direction we should dive. There was nothing special about this place either, but I did get to spend more time underwater. After all, this is why I came here. Climbed back on-board 1 hr after the dive as instructed (1200 psi left on this tank). They released the strap around the tank for me and I took care of the rest. After drying off a little, my buddy and I settled in for the 45 ride back to the dock. I guess this is when they decided it would be a good time for a "snack" and passed around the candy bucket. At this point I was laughing.

My suspicions were confirmed when we got back and they told us they were leaving for the next trip in 20 minutes so if anyone on board was signed up for the afternoon diving they better hurry. The next group of divers were waiting at the dock to board. I left the boat rinsed my gear in their rinse tubs. They did have them filled and added Zep to the water. The Zep was a nice touch.

I guess my biggest complaint is that I feel misled. After reading many reviews and hearing about this top-notch service, I was left wondering, what service? If reviews had indicated this more accurately, I would have made a different choice. I didn't get the impression that this experience was an exception but more the rule. Did they sell the place recently to an owner who doesn't give a hoot? I don't know, but beware…

The bottom line, if you like complete "do-it-yourself" diving and just need a ride to a dive spot, then this is the place. There are too many operators out there that go out of their way to provide you with a good experience and are willing to do it all for you. So pass by this place and try the next can only be better.

Hope this review helps somebody.
It's pretty typical of Keys dive operators. They don't put DMs in the water unless you request one and pay for the service. I personally like 6 packs to get away from the crowds.
Ah, they wrote up as a glorious ride with bells and whistles, when you took the ride it was more a cattle boat... That sucks! :(

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I'm with Red - give me a lil 6 pack any day. Well, actually the larger boat that Capt Gary runs is nice to.. very roomy and he doesn't crowd it up.
sorry about your bad experience, but that is typical of Keys cattle boats....I for one, don't like anyone setting up my gear but me, no matter how nice they try to be about it....the only suggestion I have is that maybe next time you ask questions specifically to the op, as opposed to judging by reader polls in a mag......ScubaBoard is probably your best resource for great recommendations
ScubaBoard is probably your best resource for great recommendations
This is going to sound way biased, but SB is definitely your bet for learning about ops and dives. The content is provided by users and is as far as I can tell the most unbiased content on the net. Users, mods, hmm even Pete aren't paid or bribed to write reviews so we tell it like it is. What this means is that our panel testers are thousands of divers who dive just like you do not a dozen or so paid staff.

Interesting stat that I believe is right: SB has roughly 3x more unique visitors per month than Scubadiving mag has printed copies in circulation monthly.

OMG - I feel like I just wrote a marketing campaign!
My first time diving the Keys so I did some research and opted to go out with "It's A Dive" operating out of the Marriott Key Largo Beach Bay Resort. I was very disappointed in the whole dive operation and experience with "It's a Dive". I picked this place because Scuba Diving magazine rated them a 100 for service and other diver reiviews were "glowing". These reviews indicated this place did everything for you and was very attentive. That being said, I had visions of a top-notch operator and figured we would have everything done for us and just have to dive, just like other "top ops". Boy… I figured wrong. I know the 100 rating was a "reader" survey so I guess the "readers" all work at the shop.
Hope this review helps somebody.

At least your boat didn't leave you floating on the surface for 32 minutes while you were waving a 4' sausage and a 100# yellow lift bag in nearly flat conditions like the boat I was on in Key Largo this weekend. My head got pretty sunburned because there ain't much hair there.....

It's a well know fact in the industry that the more you advertise in Rodale's, the better your rating will be and the more often you'll get a favorable mention in the "articles".

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