Kauai - Where to stay for diver and non-diving fam?

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Hi there, hoping someone can give me a starting point for planning my trip to Kauai.

I've been to Maui and the Big Island and loved both of them, Kauai is next on the list. I'll be going with my non-diving wife and 4 year old son in August, diving is not the primary focus of the trip but I plan to schedule 3 2-tank morning dives while I'm there. I understand most of the diving is done on the south east end of the island. Since diving is not the focus, where would be an ideal place to stay on Kauai (North? South?). We'll be there for 2 weeks and will have a car. I'd prefer to have early dives so I can be back with the fam later in the morning or by noon. I'm not picky on the dive sites, I just want to be in the water and have relative easy access to a dive shop/boat launch (10-15 minute drive).

I'd like to stay in the South (better/more diving?) but wife thinks the North might be better for non-diving activities.

Looking for any suggestions for people who've balanced diving / non-diving activities.

Find a place in Kapa'a. It is nicely located on the east side, giving easy driving access to the north and south. Kapa'a is nice and laid-back. There are a number of condo-hotel places that give you the hotel amenities - pool, etc. but have the benefits of a larger apartment.
Thanks, I can't seem to find any dive ops near kapa'a. I don't have a buddy so I was looking for a boat dive or guided shore dive. Are there are any options for that around Kapa'a?
You would have to drive down to Fathom Five or Seasport just before Poipu. Fathom Five is located close to Koloa Town and Seasport is near the roundabout by Koloa Landing. Seasport has a retail store in Kapa'a, but you still have to go down south for the boats. The boats all leave from Kukuiula Boat Harbour. I have used both and you will be happy with either, however I prefer Fathom Five.

Getting down there is not too bad in the morning before rush hour and takes about 45 minutes. Don't laugh, rush hour on Kaua'i is "unique".
Staying in the North will also limit some of the non-diving activities, particularly dining. Riding, hiking, and some other outdoor stuff is probably best around Hanalei/Princeville, but that's about it. If you're stuck in the North I found Seasport Kapa'a a great place to rent tanks for making shore dives into Hanalei Bay while staying in Princeville, but there's little to no guided diving on the North side.
For driving, the island is bigger than it looks and August traffic is another factor. The north side is very rustic so it has that appeal. Poipu is a little more resort. Since you are there for two weeks, I'd take a day to dive Ni'ihau (the forbidden island). Check Fathom Five for a voyage over there. I normally stay at Princeville. Its a haul south for diving, but do able.
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Looks like the south may be a better option, lots of diving opportunities and seems to be a little more centrally located if we want to see the entire island.
I'd look for something in Poipu on the water - there's lots of condo/resort options. We rented a big house so I can't help with any recommendations. This may help: Home Page | Poipu Beach Resort Association

It's only a few minutes drive to either Seasport or Fathom Five or the marina where they keep the boats. I was back "home" most days by noon. If you find someone to shore dive with Koloa Landing nearby is the place. And Sheraton Caverns off Poipu is the signature Kauai boat dive. Ni'ihau is better but it's an all day trip. Check with Fathom Five on guided shore dives - their other operation - Ocean Quest guides at Tunnels Beach (north side) in the summer.

Also if you want to drive over and see Waimea Canyon (Grand Canyon of Kauai) it's not too far west of there. Princeville is nice but everything is a trek from there. We got caught in traffic one day on the way up there and it took over an hour to clear.

Poipu Beach was named America's Best beach. Your son may also enjoy Baby Beach:
To the west of Poipu Beach is Baby Beach, a sweet little protected cove perfect for very young children. This tiny crescent shaped beach has very calm and shallow waters making it an ideal choice for babies. For the adults you will be able to relax as your little ones splash around the ankle-deep waters.
The wife and I went to Kauai for out honeymoon this past Oct. We stayed at a place called Kauai Beach Resort, it was about halfway from Lihue to Kapaa. I HIGHLY recommend it for palace to stay. Don't pay the hotels price though, some of the rooms are privately owned and they rent them out for well over half off the hotels asking price. We dove with Bubbles Below and enjoyed ourselves very much, great dive masters but they don't have a shop so you just meet them at the dock. If I could give you one piece of advise though, take a flight with Blue Hawaiian helicopters, the Na'Pali coast from air will be the BEST money you spend on the whole trip.
Thanks for the info Jnsey, how long of a drive was it from where you stayed to the dock?

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