Kapas : Week III : 7th May

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100 - 199
Greetings Olympus-ian. :blinking:

Did couple of dives last weekend.
1st dive nothing interesting to shoot.
Got excited when i was made known we were going to dive at Berakit reef.
my favorite dive site at Kapas island.
Little did we know, merely 15 minutes after descend,
the current swept us like feathers!
My strobe arms was moving by itself.
At that time, i was thinking, this is not my day to take photos.
After a while struggling with the current,
then we stumble upon a Bornella.
(Even the Bornella is having a hard time with the current)
A rare nudy here.
but since last week, it's been here at Berakit reef.
Saw some forumers also have the same bornella pics.
I guess its not that rare after all, just need to dive at the right time i guess.
This bornella, made my day..

(Images taken with Oly XZ1+pt50+D2000)
Click this link to see all the pics (not many)
Kapas Dive 2011 : Week III - a set on Flickr


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