Kansas City Area

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Bowie, MD
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi Guys,

I have an interview with a lubricant company in Kansas City (not sure if it is the KS or MO side - but who cares?). Anyway, I know there is no ocean for 1000+ miles in either direction *pouts*. So what's is the lake diving like? Are you allowed to dive in the Ozarks for instance? Finally, is it possible to get good deals for dive travel out of Kansas City? Is the airport big enough for it not to cost you a reg and a BC?

Table Rock, Blue Water, Beaver, Bull Shoals are all good dive spots within a reasonable dive of KC.

While Kansas City International (MCI) is not a major hub, it is a very active airport and serves as a hub for many regional airlines, and is host to most major airlines so flights are never a real problem. There’s plenty of fast flights to Cozumel from KC, so don’t panic.

There can be a substantial tax difference between working and or living in MO or KS. KCMO has a 1% earnings tax and MO income taxes can be considerably higher though you may well see higher property taxes in KS. If you can get located on the south side of town it’ll save you an hour getting to good diving in the area.

You don’t want anything to do with diving in Lake of the Ozarks unless you like diving in zero vis with drunks in go-fast boats running you over. A four hour drive will have you at Beaver, Table Rock, or a good quarry to dive in and so many KC area shops go there so often that you can always carpool to the lakes if you want. At least one local shop does houseboat liveaboards at Table Rock so you can drive down after work on Friday, bunk into the boat and wake up Saturday morning to breakfast over the first dive site.

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