Just when I thought........

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Yeah, the video did look pretty decent. About the only real color correction I had to do after applying AWB was to cut back a bit on the saturation. Do you believe that? I decreased the amount of saturation.

The thing is it was so easy, which I like. Also the view you had was excerpts from only my third video. I could put up with a few little problems with the video editing, but I just couldn't stand how it butchered my music. You do underwater and probably know that picking the right music with the right tempo and all to fit the scene is as important as the video itself. I couldn't tell you how many 30 second clips of music I listened to to pick what I thought I wanted. Countless hours of it.
And then listen to it clunking and/or skipping or whatever it's doing is just disappointing. Sooooooo, time to try something new. Maybe it's the software or maybe it's something i the computer. Time to find out.

Know what? Now that I think of it I sometimes get some pretty drastic color shifts, especially noticeable in shots with blue water. Not often, but once in a while. And I know it has to be the software because it's not on the original tape. An example of the color shift is just about at 9:50 of my You Tube video. Got any ideas on that?
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Are these problems with video edited with Ulead or Vegas ?

Silly Wabbit!!!! ULead of course. Why do you think I am trying Vegas?

I look at things this way. I have a few glitches as I explained above. Add to that a render time of 13 hours for a 45 minute DVD. Something is amiss. So I just spend the money to get a new editor and see if it's that or my computer. And if all goes well I might even learn something from it. Yeah, like I might learn to use the editor I just bought. LOL.

Heck I'm already learning stuff. I'm learning to ask questions and getting intelligent answers while making some internet friends (I hope).

OK, time for me to go to bed. Nice talkin with ya.

Silly Wabbit!!!! ULead of course. Why do you think I am trying Vegas? .....

Ah, I thought since you are trying Vegas, I wasn't sure which sw was producing the problem. :doh2:

I'm not familiar with Ulead, so I can't really help there.

Long render times are often the software, but also your PC, and the amount of effects you do in editing. For example, AWB the whole video versus just a few clips will definitely slow down renders.

Video is really just a bunch of still pictures recorded in sequence. 30 pictures for every second of video. So when you AWB your whole video, think about the amount of white balance correction your PC is doing. 5 minute video, equals 300 seconds, equals 9,000 pictures being white balanced. 20 minute video ? :shocked2:

Curious to see how Vegas compares to Ulead in render times and color correction.
Ah, I thought since you are trying Vegas, I wasn't sure which sw was producing the problem. :doh2:

Curious to see how Vegas compares to Ulead in render times and color correction.

Yeah well, at the rate I'm learning Vegas you better not hold your breath.

Something else just for info purposes. I had done one 28 minute video using ULead on my "lesser" computer. It has a 1.2G AMD processor, 1.5G slow ram, etc. This puter took 1 hour 42 minutes to render the video in SD.

My big new Dell with Q6600 Quad processor, 3G of DDR2 800 ram, took 5 hours to rendeer the same video. Go figure..........

Something else just for info purposes. I had done one 28 minute video using ULead on my "lesser" computer. It has a 1.2G AMD processor, 1.5G slow ram, etc. This puter took 1 hour 42 minutes to render the video in SD.

My big new Dell with Q6600 Quad processor, 3G of DDR2 800 ram, took 5 hours to rendeer the same video. Go figure..........

:confused: This doesn't sound right.

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