We're browsing the 'net for stuff to buy. Any recommendations for good deals of equipment?
Hi Matt.
I recommend that you buy the really important things at your local dive shop... mask, reg package, dive computer, BC. Try to buy all of the expensive stuff at one time and haggle a little. You might be suprised. My dive shop gave me a "package deal" when I bought my reg, computer, and BC. It saved me a few hundred bucks.
As for the rest of your gear, you can find some amazing deals online...
For example, I got a Tilos 7mm semi-dry wetsuit, hood, and gloves for about $210 shipping included from Scuba Destination:
I've also bought a bunch of stuff from Leisure Pro: gear bags, dive lights, slates, soft weights, hose protectors, clips, etc... Essentially all the little stuff that the local dive shop will gouge you on the worst:
Keep an eye out on eBay too. Sometimes, you can find gret deals on "last year's model" items like wetsuits, fins, boots, etc...