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I can't wait to get my own gear.

I've never read about scuba gear, therefore i need lots of help, basically - on what to buy.

I live in Sweden, and i probably wont be doing any diving here (cold!) so i need a wetsuit suited for warm waters (24 Degrees Celsius maybe) i'd like to easily slip into the wetsuit aswell, the one i used for my OW cert was a pain to get on. I'm also quite small (14 years old) therefore size could be an issue.

Regulator basically has me in the dark. I do not know anything about them, therefore i leave this to you. I guess high durability and reliability are imoportant for me. Aswell as easy maintenence availability. I'll add gages in on this one, they should be easy to read if possible, and simple is good.

The BCD has me in the dark aswell. I guess confort inflated and deflated is good, aswell as fitting well. I don't need anything special with the BCD, so it may be simple and reliable.

Fins are pretty much all the same, right?

I guess that's all.. to tired to think of anything else.

Hope you can help me with my purchase decisions, aswell as the shop where i buy them. Thanks!

I can't wait to get my own gear.

I've never read about scuba gear, therefore i need lots of help, basically - on what to buy.

I live in Sweden, and i probably wont be doing any diving here (cold!) so i need a wetsuit suited for warm waters (24 Degrees Celsius maybe) i'd like to easily slip into the wetsuit aswell, the one i used for my OW cert was a pain to get on. I'm also quite small (14 years old) therefore size could be an issue.

Regulator basically has me in the dark. I do not know anything about them, therefore i leave this to you. I guess high durability and reliability are imoportant for me. Aswell as easy maintenence availability. I'll add gages in on this one, they should be easy to read if possible, and simple is good.

The BCD has me in the dark aswell. I guess confort inflated and deflated is good, aswell as fitting well. I don't need anything special with the BCD, so it may be simple and reliable.

Fins are pretty much all the same, right?

I guess that's all.. to tired to think of anything else.

Hope you can help me with my purchase decisions, aswell as the shop where i buy them. Thanks!


You might want to get a drysuit instead, since it will let you dive locally, even in very cold water. It's much more fun to dive all year long, instead of just once or twice a year on vacation.

Don't know, Dry suit seems really complicated and not worth it.. Maybe a thick wetsuit in the summer?
Don't know, Dry suit seems really complicated and not worth it.. Maybe a thick wetsuit in the summer?

It's not complicated at all (just one air inlet valve and an automatic exhaust valve), however you will need to take a drysuit class, and will probably take a few months of diving to get used to it.

On the other hand, once you're comfortable with it, you can dive almost any time you want, all through the year.

He's 14, how long will it take until he'll have to replace the dry suit because he outgrew it? Don't you think it could get a little expensive even in the short run? :wink:
If you plan to dive only couple of times a year on your vacation, renting gear would be cheaper and would give you an opportunity to try different gear and see what you like and what not. After getting a little experience and trying different gear you'll know what to buy.
You may want to visit your local dive shop and talk to the people working there, let them explain you the difference in the gear.
Suit: Brand is less important than fit. Fit is everything. You have to try them on unless you know your exact size.
Regulator: Any product of the 3 big names (Scubapro, Aqualung, Mares) will get you a regulator that will not disappoint you. Many other companies make excellent regs like: Apeks, Zeagle and even the swedish Poseidon. All depends on what type of diving you want to do. If you want to dive Swedish water, it should be suitable for cold water diving to prevent freezing.
BCD: Again, what type of diving you want to do? Do you want a jacket or backinflate? You may even want to consider a BP/Wing :)D) A company called AGIR-BROKK makes nice things and they are Swedish too.
Don't rush to buy new gear because it's expensive and it would be a shame if you'll rush to buy something you will not like later or will have to replace it. :wink:
Sorry for the late reply, thanks!

I'll be heading to the LDS tommorow hopefully to see what they've got.

I'm considering doing the drysuit course aswell now, but i'll see when i take a look at the price of the course.
well im only 13 oand got certifide back when i was 10 now im a rescue diver i rented gear 4 thre last 2 years then finally i got my own i highly reccemened you look at scubapro wetsuits size shouldnt be a matter with scuba pro they will have your size. as of bcd's i reccomened you look at the oceanic flex its very simple to use and its got itegrated weights wich is nice as 4 regs and gauges look at the scuba pro gear. good luck with your diving if you ever visit fl letr me no we can dive

best of luck:
Thanks jon, i sure will contact you if i ever travel to Florida :)

Haven't been down at the LDS yet, kind of short on time.

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