Just got back from Freeport, Grand Bahama

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Reaction score
Near Denver CO
# of dives
200 - 499
I was only able to dive two days (2 two-tank trips) with two very different operations: Grand Bahama Scuba and Xanadu.
Grand Bahama Scuba was awesome, Fred and Melinda made me feel right at home and the dives were great (Theo's Wreck and Shark Junction). When I called to reserve my spot for the next day, Melinda asked where I was staying and asked for my room number (this detail is important for later) and called me in my room from the reception desk the next day. I was not sure how the pick up was supposed to take place (as we were staying at the Lucaya Yacht Club we were next to the Marina and I tought that maybe the boat would pick me up there, like in Cozumel) but she came with the shop's beat-up van. As stated earlier the diving was great, we talked a lot on the boat with the other divers (including a father and son team from Canada that I say hi to if they're reading this). Fred surprised me with the amount of knowledge he has of all things related to the sea, not just diving. A great, great experience.
In contrast, Xanadu was just awful for me. When I called Xanadu, Thomas, the German owner (I think) told me that he would pick me and my wife up at our hotel the next morning at 7:45 and asked for our room number. The next day, as my wife and I had had to make plans to hire a baby-sitter for our 4-year old girl, both the sitter who was supposed to show up at 7:30 and Thomas were late. We had to stay in the room for the sitter to show up and eventually she did at 7:50 or so. My wife called Thomas to figure out what was going on and he told her to hop in a cab as he was not coming back to get us, that he had waited in the lobby and had taken off. We got in a cab and drove to Xanadu ($15) and there, as I was not happy, I asked why he did not call us or have us paged in our room. He said that he did not have our number. So I said that at least he had my name and he could have at least asked the reception people to page us, I also told him that I had dived with Grand Bahama the day before and how they had called me in my room and had not made a big deal at all about it, but he maintained that the plan was to meet in the lobby and he said he did not want to "argue about this all day". I really did not feel like giving my money to this axxhole at this point but after hiring a sitter, paying a cab and making the special arrangement to finally dive with my wife, what the hell, I caved in and paid. Ray was a little more friendly, but I made the mistake of telling him what I thought of his boss. We dove Theo's Wreck (vis was not as good as the day before) and since it takes my wife a loooon time to get down (ears not clearing) we were last to ascend at the line. As I got on board, Ray proceeded to rip me a new one for doing a deco dive (I was indeed in deco for a 1 minute stop at 15 feet and added a 3 minute safety stop once the deco cleared on my computer), my wife's computer data showed a no-deco profile all along. I couldn't believe it and I think it was payback for being considered a "problem customer" maybe, I don't know. Anyway then they took us to some bland site where we saw a whole lot of nothing and circled around under the boat for 40 minutes or so. Once that was done, Thomas took us back to our hotel without a word. That's my story.
Thanks for the trip report!!

I love diving with Fred and Melinda!!!

Every time I read a trip report from someone that dived with them, It brings back great memories.

I'm eagerly looking forward to this years trip!! :D
I'm heading to Freeport in November to dive the Blackbeards. I was thinking about going a day early and diving local before the liveaboard. Thanks to reports like yours I know who to book with......Sure you were late....But certainly a courtesy call to your room was the least that someone in the 'service' industry should do. Diving operations are a indeed a part of the 'service' industry and catering to the needs of your clients is the way to build and maintain a business. Good service is rewarded by word of mouth and reports like this. I search the Forums on a regular basis to decide who is going to get my business. Thanks again for the report.
I ran my boat from West Palm to Freeport a few weeks ago, and based on scubaboard input, and the website for Xanadu, I went there.....The marina aspect worked well for my boat..that was one issue that turned out well. Ray appears to be a good guy for divers like me--people who are far more advanced than typical dive instructors--I see him as a resource in this area of the Bahamas....I saw him mildly annoyed after one boat trip, due to all the near rescues he had to perform, so my guess is that he is maxxed out on non-qualified but c-card carrying divers, not able to dive easy sites. While this may well have no relationship to you whatsoever, unless he dove with you and saw that you were in fact, nothing like his daily nightmares, he may not relate to you the way you would want :)

As for the Xanadu hotel, it was a sh**hole. The web page photos must have been from 30 years ago, and Air conditioning was not on in the lobbies. Suffice to say, this is not a place for well heeled divers desiring a nice hotel. If you are on student's budget, then this is a winner :)

The site to dive here is outside of papa doc ( which is shallow)..I think it is called the Tunnels--it is straigh out from papa docs, in about 65 feet of water. Huge grouper, tones of fish, spectacular coral formations, good sided sharks--all instantly right there. I would do this site anytime. Theos was nothing special, and in general, you would go to Port Lucaya rather than Freeport to stay at a hotel, or to eat out. Diving is close to either, so this is not the issue.

From now on, I will rent extra tanks from Ray, and fill tanks at his shop, but probably dive West End the majority of my trips there.

Dan V
Thnx for the report
I'll be in Grand Bahamas in November as well and judging from the general consensus, will most likely be diving with Grand Bahama Scuba. Also, since my husband doesn't dive I want to ensure that the dive operation and operators are not only competent and knowledgeable, but also that the atmosphere is welcoming and friendly.

I'll be there from the 5th-12th - haven't yet set up my dives - how far in advance do I need to make reservations?

Any recommendations on "not to miss dives" - the shark dive sounds excellent - thought caves would be fun as well (new for me).

I was in the Bahamas in May and at the advice of this board, opted to dive with Grand Bahama Scuba over Xanadu and Unexso. I dove for three days with Fred and Melinda. It was great. They had storage for me to leave my gear and prompt pick up service from Melinda. The dive sites were great and differed every day. The first few days ws with a group of diver from England that were absolutely histrical. When I return, there will be no question who I would choose.
What did you think of Port Lucaya Resort & Yacht Club? Did you like it? Pros/ cons?


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