Just bought Dacor Viper Tec Metal - ???

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Just returned from LDS where my son and I purchased regs (tried Dacor Eagle and Viper Tec Metal, ScubaPro G250, Sherwood Magnum and Oceanic Alpha 7). To make a long story short, my son purchased the Alpha (good kid, great price and performance) and i chose the Dacor Viper.

Now, my dilemma. After reviewing ScubaBoard tonight I am thinking of cancelling the Viper and getting the Sherwood.
I loved both of these in pool and had narrowed it down based on price and personal preference. Went with Dacor because of lifetime warranty (now I am wondering how long this lifetime will be ).

After readin SB I am worried about parts and generally how long will I be able to get this serviced ?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Just returned from LDS where my son and I purchased regs (tried Dacor Eagle and Viper Tec Metal, ScubaPro G250, Sherwood Magnum and Oceanic Alpha 7). To make a long story short, my son purchased the Alpha (good kid, great price and performance) and i chose the Dacor Viper.

Now, my dilemma. After reviewing ScubaBoard tonight I am thinking of cancelling the Viper and getting the Sherwood.
I loved both of these in pool and had narrowed it down based on price and personal preference. Went with Dacor because of lifetime warranty (now I am wondering how long this lifetime will be ).

After readin SB I am worried about parts and generally how long will I be able to get this serviced ?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Frankly, I'm a little puzzled at this sudden rumour that Dacor clients are somehow going to be left in the lurch by the company's acquisition by Mares. Why would they go to all the time/trouble/money of buying Dacor, only to abandon it? Especially since they have been investing in new products for the Dacor line? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Go for the reg that gives you the performance you want at the price you want. Don't listen to hearsay!

Bonne chance,
I think the biggest problem is that many of us with older Dacor stuff are the ones left out in the cold. You can't get parts for much of the stuff that was made in the past 20 years without finding some place that stocked up on it when they saw this coming. I agree though, go with the one that gives you the best performance, but I will put this in. I have an old dacor reg which I loved and have never had a sherwood, but my instructor, who is also a friend of mine, made a comment to me a few weeks back. He has been a search/rescue diver for close to 30 years as well as 2 years on the Olympic rescue for their water sports such as kayaking and he told me Sherwoods were the one regs that he never ever had a problem with in all his experience. Oddly he happend to dive an older US Divers reg that day.
Frankly, I'm a little puzzled at this sudden rumour that Dacor clients are somehow going to be left in the lurch by the company's acquisition by Mares. Why would they go to all the time/trouble/money of buying Dacor, only to abandon it? Especially since they have been investing in new products for the Dacor line? Doesn't make much sense to me.

Go for the reg that gives you the performance you want at the price you want. Don't listen to hearsay!

Bonne chance,
my thoughts too

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