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HB Diver

Reaction score
Orange Co., Calif.
I enjoy moonlit nights, long walks on the beach, cuddling,.... Oops! wrong forum!

Hey all, been hangin' out topside for a few weeks just reading/searching while looking for dive camera info. Have been certified (certifiable?) for @ 7 yrs w/@ 1-2 trips a year (Belize, Coz, Cabo, T & C, Kauai). Every dive is still as exciting as the 1st; never know what might swim out of the Blue!

As far as the camera, I went w/the Oly C770 & Oly housing. Will probably add the FL20 flash/housing before next trip. Right now, have spent @ 5 hrs taking pics of 3/4" flowers, bees, flys, garden snails, birds, and my poor dog getting used to all the settings so I don't have to learn all the buttons UW. Practicing macro & things that move!

Read all the reviews (dpreview, digideep, wetpixel, steve's digicam, imaging-resource, etc) plus the several opinions @ here. Not the best, but in my budget, entry level for manual controls, and should suit my needs (5x7, 8x10, occassional 11x14, emails).

Great pics in the several galleries I've looked through. The settings breakdown is very helpful for a grunt!

See ya in the deep end!
Hey HB- Welcome to the board! Sounds as if you've found some of the things that you are interested in already. Now if you could only find some one who likes the long suset beach walks, cuddling, etc. Over on this side, we have to settle for the sunrise stuff ;) (unless you're in the Keys, of course...)
Hey HB. welcome to SB, Good sense of humor, you'll fit in just right here. Does HB stand for Hog Belly? ;) Welcome to the board and have fun.
Welcome to the board! Just make sure you check that housing o-ring every time you close the camera. Hubby thought our Oly 5060 housing was closing funny but assumed it was just being belligerent. He didn't notice the o-ring sticking out of the top when we submerged :( We bought a new camera to replace it cause the old one is toast and was not insured.

Enjoy your time here as well as underwater with your new toy!
Ber :lilbunny:
For a Grunt? Sounds like a Jarhead to me? :confined:

Hope you like it here, and I see you around the forums...

don :cowboy:
Now drop down to North America, USA, California Kelp Divers, SoCal and say howdy. Lots of Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego and other near by county divers represented.

Now we have just got to get you into the water more. Should be diving locally every week. Living in a dive Mecca like California and not logging 50-100 dives every year? Criminal I tell ya, purely criminal. We will have to fix that. Just post on SoCAl when you want to go diving, and/or go to http://www.sandeaters.org

Or just give me a shout, I go diving most every week. I have never dove any place but California. Those warm water ports are still but a deam. I havn't been diving long (4 years), but I'll get you wet if you have a mind to experience the beauty of the California kelp forest or rocky reefs. Except I am off line until July 2 for annual maintenance on my gear and my annual 2 weeks with the Army too.
HB Diver:
I enjoy moonlit nights, long walks on the beach, cuddling,.... Oops! wrong forum!

Hey all, been hangin' out topside for a few weeks just reading/searching while looking for dive camera info. Have been certified (certifiable?) for @ 7 yrs w/@ 1-2 trips a year (Belize, Coz, Cabo, T & C, Kauai). Every dive is still as exciting as the 1st; never know what might swim out of the Blue!

As far as the camera, I went w/the Oly C770 & Oly housing. Will probably add the FL20 flash/housing before next trip. Right now, have spent @ 5 hrs taking pics of 3/4" flowers, bees, flys, garden snails, birds, and my poor dog getting used to all the settings so I don't have to learn all the buttons UW. Practicing macro & things that move!

Read all the reviews (dpreview, digideep, wetpixel, steve's digicam, imaging-resource, etc) plus the several opinions @ here. Not the best, but in my budget, entry level for manual controls, and should suit my needs (5x7, 8x10, occassional 11x14, emails).

Great pics in the several galleries I've looked through. The settings breakdown is very helpful for a grunt!

See ya in the deep end!
Thanks for the welcome!

dlndavid- Hogfish Belly Diver

ber rabbit-Already paranoid & camera hasn't seen water!

don & lost-not a Marine (would've been my only choice), but grew up w/several, so that's probably where "grunt" got into my vocabulary. But, I was born/raised in Texas. I Moved to California 15 yrs ago to build Hot Rods, since SoCal is where it was/is/will be created.

pasley-more local diving is on mine & my wife's list, so we'll definately see you around.

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