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Scuba Instructor
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Hello Fellow Scubaboarders!

I recently graduated college and, like many others, have been on the prowl for jobs. My goal is to go back to graduate school within 3-5 years (PhD Econ) after having some work experience under the belt. That being said, I received 2 offers and am having trouble deciding. Hopefully someone out there can offer some help! Here is what I got:

Market Analytics Firm

Location: Chicago
Base: 44,500
Relocate: 1,500
Start: Sept 1
Great benefits and health coverage.

My Pros: Benefits are out of this world (health,savings,transportation reimbursement, etc) . Location is near some of the top econ graduate schools in the country and I can see myself settling down there. I have family that work close to the office and my girlfriend wants to go to chicago. They pay for SOME education, VERY generous time off, and I can work for them while going to graduate school.
Cons: Its expensive to live in Chicago.

JP Morgan Chase

Location: Jacksonville
Base: 45,000 plus bonus, 8 weeks paid training in NY (including food)
Relocate: Unsure/have not seen benefits package
Start: Sept 19
Great name and cheaper living

My Pros: JP Morgan is an excellent name and looks impressive right out of college. The training program is one of the best in the industry and appears there is room for advancement. I feel as though it would be easier/cheaper to develop a financial foundation here.
Cons: Jacksonville is nice but it is harder to network there, its nowhere near the schools I want to go to, girlfriend might not enjoy it so much, and I fear the work might be more mundane then described.

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