@sea_ledford, unless you're diving super deep with less than 100% O2, I'm not sure how your loop would be incapable of reaching a .7 setpoint, why wouldn't you be able to hit 1.0 at sea level? Realistically you may never be able to truly reach an FO2 of 100% due to other inert gas in the loop, but it shouldn't be enough that it would be pissing O2 out all over the place in an effort to reach 70% in the loop. Do you leave it at maximum loop volume at .19? I guess I never leave anything on my rebreather open to the environment once I pre-dive it, so it never crossed my mind that it would be anything other than low setpoint at a minimum. Once pos and neg are done, a setpoint check is done and it stays in that state until the dive starts. Making sure it maintains a stable setpoint should be part of your pre-dive anyway. What scenario would you do your predive and then leave the loop open? Hitting 1.6 for a 6m cell check is gonna be a bigger waste coming from .19 than .7. I guess I just don't understand why you'd have your loop at anything other than low setpoint or higher once you've predived the unit. I'm not saying it's incorrect, I just haven't seen a scenario in my rebreather diving where it would ever arise.