Jade Cove Results 9/7

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Reaction score
# of dives
50 - 99
Great dive today!:D Thanks for the good time Erika, Brian, and Rich. The hike up the hill was not that bad, a little step at some parts, but not terrible. Soooo much bulk kelp out there it felt like you were being tugged by someone everytime you kicked. Saw some fish, a nudibrach (pale in color with some black dots on it). Never did find Cave Rock, although Brian spent alot of time around Wash Rock. The entry and exit was something else. Water temp was perfect around 57 degrees and viz was 5-10 ft if that. We all came away with some jade to take home :cool2: Saw a Rock fish as well, looked it up and think it was a China Rockfish. The coolest thing that was seen was a mola mola. All in all the trip up to jade cove was awesome. Definately a trip to repeat. Thanks again guys for the experience! :thumb:
Had fun! My Legs are hurting! Also Had a good time. Thanks Rich for helping me down that hill and across the slippery Parts. Diving in bull kelp is different! Thanks all for being buddys :)
Sounds like you guys had a great time! cool!
Fun place to dive. Great vis and easy entry. I especially liked the Bull Kelp, it really helps in the surface swim. It really was worth the drive! One of those places that should be good right after a storm (after the surf calms down).

TroupH2O/Jade Cove - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This is my first time using Photobucket so let me know if the pictures are not available.
They Show Up! To bad they where taken with your phone, and not a camera then they could be bigger :) Hehe I look like i need help in some of them :)
Holy crap!

Now those pictures look like ya'll went for the Scuba Mountaineering Specialty!
Man, glad I stuck to lazy man's shore divin' in Avalon this weekend, Yikes!
Holy crap!

Now those pictures look like ya'll went for the Scuba Mountaineering Specialty!
Man, glad I stuck to lazy man's shore divin' in Avalon this weekend, Yikes!

Yea there was just a little of that going on :) ummm...... i mean allot:)
At least Andrew did not take a picture of our exit. Now, that would have looked bad!
This is so true :) Glad those photos never happened :)
An underwater picture of our exit would have looked even worse!!

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