Jacqueline Bissett's reg?

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Columbus, Ohio
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25 - 49
I know this is a little later than Uncle Lloyd's day, and may have been answered before, but for the life of me I can't figure out what kind of reg she's using in The Deep. It looks awfully small and insubstantial, and I have no idea what its physical form actually is because it's so indistinct on the screen. Anyone have any clue?


Billy S.
Hey, Moogy!

I tried to find some pics of Ms Bissette with the reg one the web but couldn't.

I do know, however, that some years back Oceanic made a very, very, small and compact second stage. The purge disc was only about the size of a silver dollar in diameter. That may have been the one she was using. As far as I can remember it's the smallest 2nd stage I've ever seen.

Update . . .

I did some checking and the reg I mention is the Oceanic "Zeta".
Ummm...I watched the movie, but didn't notice the reg. Could something possibly have distracted me? :)

I found a photo of the actress & reg in question. I cropped the photo to reduce it from maybe a PG-14 to PG rating, ha ha.
i've found some pictures of her with the reg showing, but, i'm not sure if i should post
them... they're close to R rated

well... i'll post them for now, and if someone thinks these are too much we'll
deal with it then

(it *is* a small second stage)


also, she's freaking that poor burrfish out
I know this is a little later than Uncle Lloyd's day, and may have been answered before, but for the life of me I can't figure out what kind of reg she's using in The Deep. It looks awfully small and insubstantial, and I have no idea what its physical form actually is because it's so indistinct on the screen. Anyone have any clue?


Billy S.
Here's a pic I found that shows it fairly well. What's with the loop on her LH side? I'm cluless but some gear wonk may recognize it.

Gee all these years I thought it was Sea Hunt and Cousteau that made me want to take up this sport, now I wonder. :10:

Jacqueline Bisset had a regulator in that movie? I saw that one many times--own the video--and never noticed a reg before. Was it attached to the wet t-shirt?

I know what it is but I cannot access my memory files at the moment, however, I do think I know that it is a pneumatic servo assisted type. The tube that loops around is a sense line from the diaphram and servo valve. N
Spinnaker,yes, that is it. That is what I was wanting to say. I wonder if they are still in buisness? N

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