It's User Replaceable so take it to your LDS

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Reaction score
Oakland, Ca
# of dives
200 - 499
First off; thanks a bunch to Phil M. of Mares. Your name saved me untold dollars.


When I bought my Mares Nemo computer, I was told that the battery was user replaceable. Mares was even kind enough to include an extra gasket in the case for that occurence. I love the computer. It's easy to see, has intuitive controls, and looks pretty snazzy. Now that it's battery replacement time, I keep hearing about all the problems that have been involved in user or even shop replaced batteries.

I contacted Phil from Mares via these boards a short while ago, and he facilitated my sending the unit in to customer service for replacement. Thanks again, Phil. My first step was (as per his advice) calling around to all of the authorized Mares dealers in my area. I was told the same story, time and again:
There have been so many problems with battery replacements and ruined computers that the shops no longer do it themselves (despite recieving special training from Mares). All units must be sent in to Mares.

No problem, right? I called Mares customer service, and the clerk rather shortly informed me that all battery replacements had to go through an authorized dealer. Customers are not allowed to submit their equipment directly. Luckily for me, I mentioned Phil's name to the rep as having referred me to Customer Service. Wow, Phil, do you regularly beat these guys or what? "No problem, sir! Since you spoke to Phil Mentz (sp?) we can go ahead and authorize it THIS TIME, but in the future you MUST go through a dive shop..." to submit the unit for a battery change.

Now, the battery has lasted a good two years so I can't complain about THAT. I do take issue, however, with being sold a unit and told the battery is user-replaceable when in fact it is not. Even that I can deal with, but when the maker won't take care of it's customers directly, and forces us to go through a dealer (whom I assume will want to take a cut for putting my computer in the mail) it leaves me a bit peeved. So now my six dollar battery is going to end up costing me, what? $50 next time. I won't have to deal with this situation for another two years, but just thought I'd put it out there.
I'm confused. The battery is "user" replaceable. You're the user. But instead of replacing it yourself you chose to send it back to the manufacturer, and are now complaining about the shipping costs?

Did I miss something here?
I'm confused. The battery is "user" replaceable. You're the user. But instead of replacing it yourself you chose to send it back to the manufacturer, and are now complaining about the shipping costs?

Did I miss something here?

Looks like you did.

From the OP's post:

"Now that it's battery replacement time, I keep hearing about all the problems that have been involved in user or even shop replaced batteries."

"There have been so many problems with battery replacements and ruined computers that the shops no longer do it themselves (despite recieving special training from Mares). All units must be sent in to Mares."

And the complaint was not just shipping cost but total cost.
Thanks Awap
Thanks Awap

Ok, first I am glad it worked out, next time buy a train pass and see if my name can help you get on the train :D

First let's clarify: The original Nemo and Nemo Excel (I think this is the model we are discussing) is a watch style computer and does not have user replacable batteries. Sorry if you were given incorrect info. Each country has a slightly different policy based on the training they offer, I am not familiar with the details in Japan. We give the extra gasket as a courtesy because sometimes dealers were replacing the battery but not changing the gasket (bad move).

If trained properly a dealer can do this, but it is not different than changing the battery on a Rolex or Seiko, it must be done properly and with care. We have had many come back flooded because they were done incorrectly. In the US we have trained some dealers, some simply do not want to because they do not have "watch tools" or don't want to fool with something they are not familiar with. When we change the battery in our service center we also pressure test the unit to check for leaks. We charge a nominal fee + shipping for battery replacement and testing in the US, but each country sets a fee based on the local market.

I recently sent my Movado for a battery change to Movado and the cost was much higher than we charge for a Nemo Excel, but the point is you need to consider this computer is in the watch category and must be treated as such.

Best regards,

Sorry for mispelling your name, Phil. Actually, the shops I called in the San Francisco Bay Area when I was back last summer all said "No Way." I wouldn't even dream of having it changed in Japan since the cost here is about half the purchase price (not Japanese purchase price which is ridiculous, but that's cool because everyone here thinks I'm rich :wink:
The only issue I had, was that we have to go through a Dealer to get it changed rather than send it in directly. You explained that situation in another post recently (in general as per Protocol) and directlly remedied my situation via these boards, no problem (thanks again). The shop I bought mine at SAID it was user replaceable, but that was in the early days perhaps, before the difficulties became apparent. None of the dealers I talked to want to touch them, unless of course to mail them to Mares and up my end price.
I don't wear Movado, Rolex, or even Seiko. I wear a Mares! Before that I had a Pulsar (remember them). I see your point about watch v. computer, though. Sorry to chintz out, but every twenty bucks I save is another trip into the water. Your responses and assistance have been commendable on these boards so again I thank you. Doesn't make me less chintzy though.


PS - Are you guys still making the (original) Nemo Line. Can't abide those Sport, etc models. I like the original style (even if it's a pain to change the battery.
In North America we do accept battery changes direct from consumers through our CS department. Cost is $24 + shipping.

The current Nemo Excel is the latest version of the Original Nemo. There is no Titanium version, only SS.


Hey Phil,
I think it's time to administer some more beatings to CS. My transaction was done totally in North America with no mention of Japan or any other country. I called and shipped from Oakland, California, USA. The rep on the phone immediately told me I had to go through a shop. They seem to respond favorably to your name so you might want to make sure they know what's what. Luckily for me, my next battery change will be from good old Oaktown. I'll be back to stay by that time (thank goodness!).
That's a shame about the original Nemos. They looked really sharp and I liked the broad, curved cyrstal. I'd have bought another, battery issues aside. I bought it for the looks, and fell in love with it for it's functionality. The new ones just don't have the same flair (but I bet it's easier to change the batteries). I'd better keep my Black Passion.

Thanks again.

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