Ashes to Ashes...Dust to Dust... Ana Calvo was born with no arms or legs. She once called me a Tabi! I said, what's a Tabi? She said "Temporarily Bodied Individual" ...I said OMG, that's all of us who think we're without a disability...Yet! The terrible fire at Notre Dame reminded me today that man made symbols...structors and objects that represent things to us as humans may also have a lifespan before they change. That is why at Diveheart one of our cultural pillars and mantras is that "It's All About Adapting". That is why we call our divers with disabilities...."Adaptive Divers" not "Handicapped" or "Disabled".... Traumatic events like the one at Notre Dame remind us that "change is the only constant" in our lives and that if we're to survive these events... We must learn to Adapt. Jim Elliott: Diveheart Founder & President. #notredame #disabilities#traumaicevents #adapting #rehabilitation #change #scubatherapy