It's a shark eat shark world

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Big Fleshy Monster
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Largo, FL USA
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200 - 499
Shark Swallowed Whole By ... Another Shark | LiveScience


This bizarre "turducken of the sea" photo was captured by researchers at the University of Delaware's Ocean Exploration, Remote Sensing, Biogeography (ORB) Lab. The scientists were in Delaware Bay this month to recapture sand tiger sharks that had been tagged with satellite-tracking tags, or to recover tags that had come off prematurely.

"Turducken of the sea" LOL Why does it remind me of starkist tuna?
That small shark must have been bleeding that's why it got eaten, I remember that shark will eat anything for as long as it releases blood from within it.
Not true we have used sharks for bait hooking them in the tail where it won't bleed and getting some big sharks to eat them. They will eat each other it doesn't matter.
Cannibalism captured on cam :wink:
Sand tiger, as in Alantic sand tiger? Looks like one with those curved ragged teeth.

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