Itinerary help. Sogod... Bohol? Elsewhere?

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Great to here that you are heading this way instead of the Caribbean :) It's a whole different ball game. if you stick to you plan of coming to PG kindly check out for a nice resort in Big La Laguna.

PS- The owner is from Kirkland and has Starbucks coffee :)
Scandi is definitely on my places to hit up! You guys have a great rep.
tippytoes, centrals, as always good resources for Sogod Bay in particular and Philippines in general. My 2 cents regarding Sogod Bay:

Southern Leyte is indeed off the beaten path, unspoiled by Philippines standards, and relaxing.
So you got that right. It is also, as tippytoes points out, no longer a pain to get to. It's conveniently tied into the fast transport system and for better or worse, by that measure, no longer remote. Internet access can still be touchy and inconsistent. If you need to be tied into the grid 24/7, you may be disappointed. If not, come on down.
March is a good/great/maybe the best time to visit, and gets better the deeper into March you go. Rain has usually stopped, breeze usually continues off the bay, and the chances of any given day being a washout are virtually nil. It will be hot. But not yet really hot.
As you are not a photographer, i agree with the recommendation to visit 2 spots. Should you take up photography between now and then, by all means consider South Leyte as your one stop. Many have, and I'm unaware of anyone wishing they hadn't.
You will be resort based, with plenty of opportunity to visit the municipality of Padre Burgos, a 2 km 8 peso trike ride away depending where you end up. There you can buy your take home beer, snacks, and other necessaries. Chances are you can rent a small motorcycle for a very fair price to visit the hills or wherever else your heart desires. If you want to visit Maasin (you will arrive there, 45 minutes away) or Sogod city bus is your option.
By all means, and for a dozen reasons, stay at Peter's dive resort - that's hardly even a suggestion. Among the reasons: 2 boats going out daily (although one may be on a whale shark trip), great, truly friendly people who aim to please, more than adequate facilities. Disclaimer - i have no affiliation with Peter's other than than my familiarity. That's not to say there are no other decent resorts in the area. Recommend the duplex, but if you are on a tighter budget the standard with twin beds is good too. You can usually get wi-fi in the standard.
Visibility decreases up until sometime in January, hard to say exactly when, as the water cools and the plankton survives, then slowly improves. Smaller creatures come up from the depths with the cooler water, which is great if you are a photographer, and the whale sharks come in from the open ocean with the extra food. Really poor viz days are few and far between, usually associated with a storm, and you shouldn't expect to have one. Visibility will be fine in March. The whales sharks come and go as they please coincident with the increased plankton (this ain't Oslob), but if the past is any indication they will be around in numbers from December through March into April. They leave when the plankton isn't enough to sustain the tribe. Strays can and do wander through at any time. If you come to Philippines or for that matter virtually anywhere in the coral triangle including Tubbataha expecting Caribbean viz, you will be sorely disappointed.
You will be hard pressed to find the concentrated numbers/variety of hard and soft corals represented in Sogod Bay anywhere else in the world short of a liveaboard.
For all those reasons, plus the densely covered walls and slopes and optional muck should you so desire, S. Leyte is a good choice.
Any specific questions that might not be of general interest please pm, and pm as well if you decide to head that way.


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. A lot of the detailed info I was looking for is here and pretty much seals the deal. Sounds like a visit to Southern Leyte is in my future.
Im sure I will be pm'ing you soon to pick your brain. Much appreciated!

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I didn't find Alona beach area so touristy that it bothered me a whole lot---but that may change soon. The new international airport on Panglao Island is supposed to be finished this year which will probably increase the influx of Korean and Chinese tourists who are the main visitors now. I was there for the diving and didn't hang around the beach area that much except to eat--plenty of places for that. My first day of diving there I shared the boat with six divers from China that had their own guide and I had a guide to myself--nice. On two other days the guide had several brand new divers doing their first open water dives since getting their certs which I didn't care for a lot---the guide had to pay a lot of attention to them and I pretty much did my own thing while keeping the group in sight. I still enjoyed my dives there and would do it again--the weather was beautiful and the water temp was about 80 in December. But this year I will be diving a week in Sipalay for the first time then travel down the road to Dauin again for my Apo Island fix (all this after a week in Komodo). A few pics from Balicasag.View attachment 469950 View attachment 469951 View attachment 469952

I think it sounds worthy of a couple days at least to hit up Balicasag. Not sure if a week is needed in Alona based of what I see. Maybe I will look for a close third option. Great turtle photo btw.... Thanks
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It CAN be a bother when you're staying right on the beach, because as of end of april 2018 it was overrun by tourists of all sorts including chinese and koreans: you will have a hard time finding a decent restaurant with space available since they forbid to put the tables on the beach as it was a few years ago.

You will have you ears damaged by the humptieth filipino version of "still loving you". Add on top of that, thanks to the existing demand, the accom prices have skyrocketed, so it's better to stay a bit out from the beach but still walking distance: less expensive, less noise, less tourist passage though only 5-8 minutes walk every morning to your dive center.
Id prefer to avoid those crowds if at all possible. Ill look for a place a good distance away from the noise.

First went to Alona Beach over 20yrs ago. And I think Aquatica was the only concrete building on the entire beach. The rest were all built with native material, check out Genesis Divers at Peter's House. Peter's House could well be the only bamboo structure left on the entire beach. Back in those days, you would not find anyone trying to sell you anything!!!!

Atlantis Dive Center - Bohol, Panglao - Home
Kurt has been around ages. This place is favoured by mainly German. And I used to dive with them when they were just beside Genesis.
Another option is Sea Explorers, Felix(Swiss) is an Inspiration(CCR) divers and also has been around for many yrs.
Both places prepared their own gases unlike some others on the beach!!!!

As far as I am concerned, Alona Beach is history.

Having two wks and NOT to dive Sogod Bay is a crime. It is a pity to link up Sogod Bay with Sipalay will take at least two days by public transport!!!!!!

Thanks Centrals. Looks like Sogod is a chosen location. Just need to decide on Alona. Appreciate the recommendations on operators. All look like good options.

The night dive at the jetty at Padres Burgos, available couple of night per week, in Sogod Bay is not to be missed. It is about 8-10m deep and pack with lots of macro. Reward yourself with a charcoal grilled chicken afterward!!
You can easily flag down any tricycle(even with passengers) passing through Peter's to Padres Burgos for peanut(I paid P7.00(?)pp few yrs ago) during day time. If you decide to walk around in the evening, make sure you have a torch.
The remoteness of Sogod Bay is the only reason why mass tourism haven't arrived. P880.00 for a AC budget room(shared bathroom) is very good value.
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Sogod Bay was very good macro. I was there mid-May so no whale sharks. Jetty night dive was awesome, did it 3 times. Stargazers, blue rings, sea horses, plus plus.



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