scubakat - I sometimes feel like a dork
hmmm, I might have to make one of those smilies for ya, hehe.
I aborted two dives in the last week partly because I didn't want to be in the water with the buddy I ended up with.
In all seriousness, there is nothing "Dork-Like" about that at all. That's actually rather refreshing to hear ... Not that you had to abort the dive (hey, yeah, wait, I wasn't invited so why am I sorry, hehe) but that, "Captain, I am picking up signs of Intelligent life here".
Unfortunately some feel that they are "Better than any situation that could arise" and the day they finally learn the truth could be too late.
greg - If I can't reach them through the leaders, then I'll go direct.
Ah, the same up stream rapids from which this forum / these sites were born.
I expect that responses will be double barrelled
GGGGrrrrrr! Doesn't that just make you want to ScReEm!
The worst offenders are the long term members and leaders in the industry
Disgraceful, but unfortunately all too often the cold hard reality of it. That does not mean it "has" to be this way ... or that it has to "
Remain" this way ...
But that is another rant/essay/short novel/soap box marithon for another day.