Isla de Providencia - Paradise island with 3th largest coral reef

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I just returned from one of the last unknown paradises of this planet and I am still thrilled about it. I' m writting this thread so more people can enjoy this raw paradise of crystal clear water and white beaches.

This magical and beautiful spot is located in the South Caribbean off the coasts of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 7 km long and 4 km wide, the island is considerably smaller than its touristy neighbor San Andres, located 90 km to the south. Thanks to its size and the not so simple flight schedules, this paradise island remains absolutely pristine and offers tourist-free beaches of white sand, hilly palm forests and crystal clear water.

I stayed at the precious little hotel of Sirius. They are a small Dive Resort. The resort was founded 20 years ago. Since the owner got sick two years ago, his son took over the business and he puts alot of effort in bringing the right people to this paradise island.

Check out their website. :D

You ll find plenty of information about the island, how to get there and the diving.
The diving was great. The island has the third largest coral reef on the planet.
The diving area around Providencia is still relatively undiscovered. Nevertheless, there are over 30 diving sites readily marked with buoys in one of the most diverse UNESCO protected diving spots in the Caribbean.

I can only recommend this paradise island to everyone who is seeking a special place with empty white beaches, gorgeous ocean and very friendly locals that speak fluently Spanish as well as English.

greetings ....
Great Post
Spend a couple of weeks in San andres last fall - what I am thinking is 2 weeks in San Andres and then going to Isla de Providencia.
Can get to San Andres economically by Canadian charter and how do I get to the island. Recently retired - how lots of time - what would you consider an ideal duration on the island. Any thoughts as to the average cost of lunches and dinners - nothing fancy.
Great report. Have any idea how much a flight from Clolumbia is?

It depends from where in Colombia you are flying from. We took a plane from Bogota. I think it cost about $300 to San Andres and back. But I m sure you ll find cheaper flights.

From San Andres to Providencia you take another small airplane that costs $70 and 15 minutes later you are in Providencia. We just bought the ticket for that flight at the airport in San Andres. Actually the whole trip to Providencia is not that complicated.

We didnt even know about Sirius Hotel but you can find all the infos you need on there: how to get to Providencia, the island, the diving.

The island is definitely worth the trip. I can assure you that.

take care....
Great Post
Spend a couple of weeks in San andres last fall - what I am thinking is 2 weeks in San Andres and then going to Isla de Providencia.
Can get to San Andres economically by Canadian charter and how do I get to the island. Recently retired - how lots of time - what would you consider an ideal duration on the island. Any thoughts as to the average cost of lunches and dinners - nothing fancy.

Sure. San Andres is nice too. It was just too touristic for my taste. Its like a small Miami.

Its very easy to get to Providencia. Just buy a ticket at the airport in San Andres. The airport is very small and the people speak English. Like I said before you can find all the information on about how to get to the Island of Providencia.

I am already planning my next trip to Providencia and I am actually thinking about staying there for a month. Its perfect to relax. You can to swimming in this beautiful ocean every day, go fishing, hiking, enjoy nature or just drink a cool beer and enjoy one of the whit beaches. I think I could spend a loooot of time there.

I hope you enjoy paradise...
oh, one question: How much do you pay from Canada to San Andres? And what airline flies directly to San Andres?

thx mac
Thanks for your recommendation to Isla Provendencia. I think we may head there next spring. Can you give some idea of what you see diving off this island? Schools of fish? Big stuff? Colorful coral and sponges?
And if flying from US, is the best route through Panama City?
Any idea weather in March?
I have done some web searching but can't fnd answers to these questions.
Thanks again.
Hi, I´ll stay 7 nights at San Andres in June, do you think it´s worth flying to Providencia just to spend one diving day? this is because my wife and sons will remain at S. Andres and don´t want to let them alone too much time. Thanks

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