Is this happening to anyone else?

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These past few weeks ... every once in a while, but not always ... I have problems posting here.

I'll log on, and get the "Welcome NWGratefulDiver" sign at the top of the page. Then, when I see something I want to respond to and hit reply, the system logs me out. I can still see the thread I want to reply to ... but the system asks me (in the usual fashion) to either register or log in. So I log in, which brings me back to the home page. When I return to the page that I want to reply to, the system logs me out again.

At this point, I'm in a loop that leaves me no option but to go do something else and come back to ScubaBoard some other time.

Not sure why this is happening ... whether it has something to do with the board or my computer settings ... but it's only been going on for the past few weeks.

Has anyone else experienced this? Knowing the answer to that might help me figure out where to start looking for the solution ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You might need to reboot? Sometimes that solves lots of issues.
Nope. nothing like that happening to you have some kinda cookie cleanup software running?
Oh well ... it's getting to the point where I can manage to post maybe once every 8 or 9 times I try. Makes being a moderator impossible ... since for the most part I can't do anything except read this board anymore.

Bizarre problem ... but I am not experiencing it on any of the other boards on which I participate, so I don't think the problem resides in my computer.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I think the problem is with your computer Bob. But, I'll pass this link onto Tech Admin, so watch for his response.
Been comparing notes with Ursa (SnowBear) today, and I think you're right. Funny thing is it doesn't happen with the other three scuba boards I frequent (NWD2D, TDS, TSS) ... and they're all powered by vBulletin (as is this one).

Apparently this board's cookies give my computer indigestion ... I'll have my resident geek (Kalvyn) take a look at it when we return from Barkley Sound next week.

In the meantime, I've found some funky workarounds ... but they're only partly effective (I can post for a while, then there it is ... GONE!).

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Bob, are you using AOL? There are some issues with vBulletin and AOL. Also, try deleting your cookies every once in a while, that usually helps.
Thanks Mike ... not an AOL user ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Netdoc said he fixed the problem. It should be 100% better now..
Thanks! I'll find out when I get home ... I'm on my work computer at the moment.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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