Is there something weird going on?

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I see the same old avatars :(
may have something to do with your scubaboard settings .. I have the default view .. or maybe your not using IE ?
So how many people are going to start a thread here? GET A CLUE! LMAO
What needed to happen was this!

Wildcard's avatar is the REAL he-man. Just look at how much torque he's put on that jock strap. No one else would even try to come close to that shoulder strap thingy.


All the gals now look like...someone special. All the guys play with He-Man dolls? Wassup?

I'm using Mozilla and so is my husband and he sees normal avatars and I have the dolls and he-man! Very strange!

Okay so we figured it out....if you go to your User CP and change your options for Forum Skin from "Use Forum Default" to "Use Scubaboard Default." Changing this will set it back to normal for you.


I have not seen your normal avatar... I hope you don't mind if I keep the one you are using now for a day? :)

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